Mommy dearest strikes again

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Sophie and Keefe waddled past Havenfield's animal enclosures, mud dripping down their shirts and pants. It was the most uncomfortable feeling on earth and Sophie couldn't wait to change out of her clothes. "Well. I promise I'll do better next time."

Keefe laughed and flicked a dried piece of mud at her. "What are you talking about? That rocked."

"Keefe. If you weren't good at levitating, you would've died! That is so not happening again." Sophie said, rolling her eyes.

"I don't know- now you can cross teleporting off your list because that didn't happen when I was freefalling."

"True." They walked in silence all the way back to Havenfield and the moment they walked into the kitchen a little scream erupted out of Edaline's mouth.

"What happened to you two?!"

Keefe grinned sheepishly. "Hey, Edaline. Our ability testing went wrong and we almost died. Just the usual."

Edaline gasped. "Sophie?"

"Mom, I'll tell you the story later, but can we get cleaned up first?" Sophie asked, elbowing Keefe.

She nodded slowly. "Sure, Soph." Then she turned to Keefe. "Would you like to borrow some of Grady's clothes, honey?"

"Oh yeah, that would be nice, thanks!"

All three of them turned around and headed up the stairs, Edaline to get clothes from Grady and Sophie and Keefe to Sophie's room. The moment Sophie and Keefe stepped into her room, Vertina's sassy's voice piped up. "Omigod, Sophieeee! What did I tell you about looking like you're not making an effort?!"

Sophie flushed and turned her mirror around, avoiding Keefe's eyes. "Foster? Your emotions are jumping around like baby alicorns. Are you okay?"

She busied herself by picking out clothes to change into. "Um, yeah. Vertina's kinda annoying, um, I have to change, can you stay here while I change in the bathroom?"

"Mhhm," Keefe said, smirking.

Sophie turned and rushed into her massive bathroom and changed quickly into a light dress and tights. On her way out, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Oof. Mud was crusted firmly into her hair and all over her face and down her neck and there was grass sprinkled all over her head as well. Sophie turned right back around and turned on the shower, sticking only her hair in, scrubbing frantically. Not to impress Keefe. Just... because it felt icky. She pulled her head out of the shower and towel-dried it quickly, walking back out into her room. Keefe was standing by her bed,  holding a small, golden, folded piece of paper in his hands. His face had gone pale, and his hands were trembling. Sophie rushed to his side. "Keefe? What's wrong?!" She looked over his shoulder, and Lady Gisela's familiar writing was scrawled across the little paper.

Hello, Sophie! I had a nice chat with you in Toronto! I'm glad your plan to wake my son up worked. We should talk more often. I'd like to wish you luck on removing the enzyme- we wouldn't want my little Keefe in danger, right? Sincerely, Gisela

"You talked to her?" Keefe asked, with a shaky voice. "And you didn't tell me?!"

He took a step back from her, his blue eyes hardened to stone. "You promised you would tell me! I trust you with life!"

Sophie grabbed his hand. "Keefe, I was going to tell you, I swear, I just... I didn't have the right moment and I wanted you to just fully heal before you got hurt all over again!"

"Sophie. I've told you how many times now to TELL ME, and at this point, no excuse will make it better!"

"Then let me tell you now what happened." She let go of his hand bowing her head.

Keefe froze for a second, looking a little surprised at that. "Okay, Foster."

They sat down on her bed, Keefe being muddy and all and Sophie spoke. "Livvy and I were in a hospital in the Forbidden cities to get you medicine. Livvy had left to grab the remedies while I sat in the front hall, waiting for her. Then your mom came."

"Mommy dearest strikes again..." Keefe mumbled in such a sad voice that it almost made Sophie's heart break.  

"Keefe I-"

Suddenly Keefe jumped up and knelt on his knees in front of her, eyes wide. "Foster, is that guilt?! Please, don't do that, you know from experience what happens to elves when they do that. I forgive you, okay? Just, please, don't feel guilty."

He climbed back onto the bed and wrapped her in a muddy embrace. Sophie reached up to wipe a tear from her eye and laughed gently. "Keefe... I just cleaned up..."

Keefe only squeezed her tighter. "Don't cry then. I hate it when you cry."

"Okay," She whispered.

"Oh! Am I interrupting something?" Edaline's voice said from behind them.

Sophie and Keefe leaped apart, both hiding blushes. "Uh-huh, you did!" Ro said gleefully. Once again, Sophie had forgotten about the Ogre princess in the room.

"No, no," Sophie assured her... just... something with his mom."

Edaline turned to Keefe. "Oh, hun, are you okay?"

Keefe shifted a little uncomfortably. "Yeah, thanks though."

Edaline held out a green jerkin and some pants. "Well here are the clothes."

Keefe stood up, offering a smile. "Thanks, but I don't think I need them anymore. I'm should probably go home now anyway."

"Oh, okay, you don't want to stay for dinner?" Edaline said, frowning.

Keefe shook his head. "There's someone I need to speak to."

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