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"Excuse me?!" Sophie squeaked, eyes widening. 

Mr. Forkle cleared his throat. "After doing some research on what was injected in Keefe, we found significant proof that led us to believe he might manifest as a Mesmer."

"What the heck?! I don't know how to test if he's a Mesmer!" Sophie shrieked and leaned onto Biana, who was fanning herself with her hand. 

"Omigod, this would ruin his life!" Biana cut in. "I think you should get Grady to help Keefe test this."

Sophie nodded. "He has more experience and I'm not sure I am able to help Keefe."

The mood in the room had plummeted quickly, so Sophie thought this was the best time to tell them 'the news', while everyone was already down in the dumps. We all know what you're thinking- no, the other news. "Mr. Forkle, there's something I need to tell you too about Keefe."

Mr. Forkle cleared his throat and if possible, his eyebrows scrunched together a little bit more. "Yes, Miss Foster?"

"Um... Well, when Livvy and I were getting human medicine for Keefe, I ran into Lady Gisela and she told me that Vespera and her had put an enzyme on her that could kill him if they wanted it to. So-"

Biana gasped, interrupting her. "Sophie! How could you not have said anything?!" 

Mr. Forkle shook his head. "I can't believe this, Sophie. Keefe could be dead by now and you didn't tell anyone? Why on earth not?" 

"I... to be honest I don't have a good reason," Sophie said, sagging. "Life has been so hectic, and I guess I figured I should tell Keefe first- which I did- and then it left my mind and... I don't know."

Mr. Forkle sighed. "Alright. But we need to get that enzyme off. We should ask the ogres if they have any clue what they might have used to make it. Let's also go to the council for any ideas, since we are allies now, I  suppose." 

"I can get Team Valiant to talk to the council if you want while you ask the ogres?" Sophie offered, trying to make up for her mistake.

Biana nudged her shoulder. "I'd be up for that."

"Thank you," Mr. Forkle said. "Let me know when you get an answer from them and I'll talk to the collective about visiting Ravagog and get back to you as well."

"Okay," Sophie agreed, hanging up. 

Biana turned to face her, worried. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, of course, but I need to go talk to Keefe. Raincheck?" 

Biana smiled, standing up. "Okay. But Sophie, I want you to talk to me about these things. Friends don't keep such massive secrets from each other."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll try harder." Sophie looked at the ground guiltily.

"Go talk to your boy."

"He's not-" Sophie started. 

Biana smirked. "But he is." 

* * *

"Keefe, I need to talk to you about something," Sophie said, plopping down on his bed. 

Keefe reached out, wrapping a piece of her hair around his long finger. "Me too, actually."

Sophie cocked her head. "Oh? Do you want to go first?" 

"No no. Ladies first."

"Okay. Well you already know about the enzymes, so I just wanted to let you know I told Forkle and he's talking to the ogres and I'm gathering Team Valiant to talk to the council about it."

Keefe grinned. "Aw, thanks, Foster. You're such a good girlfriend!" 

Sophie froze. "I thought we weren't putting a label onto it until Fitz found out?"

Her heart melted to mush at him calling her that though and by his satisfied expression, she knew he could feel what she was. But that didn't mean she was going to be a bad friend to Fitz. Keefe shrugged. "Whatever you're comfortable with, Foster.  Do you want me to tell you my news now?" 

Sophie scooted a little closer, resting her head on his shoulder. "Okay."

"Well, when I was unconscious, I had another flashback. I was asking my father where my mom was and he said she was gone. Then, she came bursting, begging my father about something that would be 'better for our family', but I couldn't make out what because it started crackling out. I would've told you earlier, but I completely forgot about the memory."

Sophie leaned back. "Can I see?" 

Keefe nodded, giving her permission to enter his mind and she placed her fingers on his temples. Instead of flinching away like he normally did, he leaned into her fingers, his pretty eyes fluttering closed. She entered his mind and watched as the memory played out. When the memory finished, Sophie dropped her fingers and watched as Keefe opened his eyes. "Do you think it's important?" He asked. 

Sophie picked at her tunic. "I don't know. I have a feeling it might be, but we know from experience that that memory is unfixable. So we need to find another way to find out what she was talking about."

Keefe nodded, a hint of a blush on his cheeks. "Keefe, are you blushing?"

"Foster, I had something else I wanted to ask you." 

Sophie looked at him quizically as he reached into his pocket. Beside them, Ro whooped. "You get it, Hunkyhair!" 

They both ignored her as Keefe pulled out a cloth bracelet. Engraved in it were the words Keefe+Sophie and they made Sophie choke on her own spit. "K-Keefe, I literally just said we shouldn't put a label on it and-"

"Sophie, you don't have to wear it. I just want to show you that you're my Hopeful and that I trust you with my heart. If it makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry."

Sophie stumbled over her next words. "No... no, Keefe, it's fine, it's actually, um, really sweet, I'm just trying not to hurt anybody. I promise I'll wear it when the news gets out, yeah?"

Keefe slung his arm around her neck and pulled her into his chest. "Of course Foster." He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head and fireworks shot from the point of contact. 

Sophie snuggled close against him and whispered, " You're my Hopeful too."

She would tell him about the Mesmer news soon. This moment was just too perfect. 

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