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After hailing Tam, Dex, Linh and... ugh, Lord Cassius, Sophie decided it was time to go back to the healing center before Biana could come over to Havenfield and corner her. She wrapped a cloak around herself and pinned the Ruewen crest across it as she walked out into the hallway. Sandor stood outside the door, at his usual post. "Ms. Foster, where are you going?"

"I'm going back to the healing center. Keefe has to stay there one more day."

Sandor didn't reply, instead, he walked down the stairs beside her. "Mom!" Sophie called.

Edaline rushed into the room. "Let me guess. You're going back to hang out with Keefe?"

"Yeah, can I?" Sophie asked, blushing a bit.

Edaline offered a knowing smile. "Mmm. Of course, in fact-" She snapped her fingers and a tray filled with custard bursts, mallow melt, ripplefluffs, butterblasts, and a whole bunch of other colourful sweets that made Sophie's mouth water just looking at them. "Take these."

Sophie grinned and took the tray. "Thanks! I can't waaiitt..."

"You're welcome, sweetie."

* * *

"Foster, you actually have sweets?! I thought you were just rambling." Keefe said, sitting up, a wide smile taking over his face. He looked a lot better now. A lot better. Ahem.

"Yup." She sat down on the chair that she was all too familiar with now and held it out to him.

Keefe reached out greedily. "Don't mind if I do!"

A few moments of silence passed as the two of them munched on the amazing sweets that Edaline had made until Keefe lit up with a happy grin that did not take Sophie's breath away. That was Fitz's smile's job. "Foster, Foster, I have the best idea!"

"If you want to sneak around Foxfire again..."

"No, no, although we should do that too."

Sophie raised her eyebrows. "Then what, Keefe."

"We should have a sleepover!"

"Keefe, that's what I've been doing with you for the past three weeks."

"I know, and as sweet as that was, Foster, I meant all of us. Fitz, you, Biana, Linh, Dex and me!"

"Mmmkay. Sounds fun. But I think you forgot Tam."

"Yes, yes... you can invite Bangs boy if you have to. But all of us. Sleepover at Foxfire. An epic game of truth or dare. You in?"

Sophie shook her head with a small smile on her face. "Only to keep an eye on you, Keefe."

"Who wouldn't?" Keefe smirked, fluttering his lashes.

Sophie flushed. "N-not that, Keefe, I just don't want you to do anything reckless while your healing... Keefe!"

"Oooh, did I make the Mysterious Miss F. blush?!" He gave an exaggerated gasp. "Let the council know!"

"You know what, just hail our friends." She gave him a little shove and her heart erupted into flutters the moment her fingers touched his shoulder.

Keefe raised an eyebrow, a puzzled look on his perfect features. Oh no. Why would I touch him?! Empath, Sophie, remember?! Thankfully, Ro saved her. "Yeah, Hunkyhair, stop giving her a hard time, she's only been nice to you."

Keefe fake pouted and Sophie gave a grateful smile to Ro. But the look in Ro's face kinda made her want to take back the gratefulness. There was a glint in her eye that said everything is going my way. Shaking it off, she went into Elwin's office to get some mattresses for the sleepover while Keefe hailed everyone.

* * *

All of their friends arrived together, chatting and giving Keefe giant hugs. Except for Fitz. He actually looked like this was the last place he wanted to be. When Keefe reached out to hug him, he only offered a cold glare. Keefe raised his hands in surrender. "Woah, man. What's all that anger for?"

Fitz's glare only intensified, and Sophie cut in before Fitz could blow up like he does and ruin the night that was supposed to be celebratory. "Alright guys! Let's pick cots."

Fitz turned away from Keefe and chose the cot closest to the one that Sophie had put Ella on. The whole room had gone quiet, looking between the three of them. Sandor was shaking his head and Ro had a malicious look on her face. Tam had one eyebrow raised and a tiny smirk on his face. Biana had wide eyes and was looking between Keefe, Sophie and Fitz, her head swivelling like a bobblehead. Linh was ducking her head, pretending nothing was happening. Awkward. This night was not working out the way Keefe had planned.

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