Livvy the Savior

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"Elwin! Elwin!" Sophie sang, jumping up from her seat. 

Elwin came rushing into the room, a concerned look on his face. "Yes, Sophie?" 

"Holy moly, Elwin, he's alive!!!!"

"Who, Keefe?" Elwin asked with a confused expression. "We know that Sophie, we're just not sure if he'll wake up."

"No, he will!" Sophie assured him. "I just talked to him. I was so worried that I just had to go into his mind and do my best."

"Of course you did..." Elwin grumbled, taking out the colourful orbs and inspecting Keefe through them. 

"So I tried a brain push. When that  didn't work, I tried inflicting on him."

Elwin groaned. 

"And it worked! We had a whole conversation and he told me that he can't wake up, but he hears everything I say to him!" 

"Sophie," Elwin said gently. "That doesn't change anything. You may be able to speak to him but he's still in a coma. Just a specific type where he can hear you. But that doesn't guarantee that he'll wake up." 

"Oh." Sophie said numbly, all her excitement draining away. "But humans get in comas all the time! What if we tried human medicine on him? It might just work, we have to try!" 

She knew she was grasping at straws, but what else could she do?! "Well... I suppose we could call Livvy. She might have a different approach and I agree, it's worth a shot."

* * *

"Hmmm. You know what, girly? I think I might just have the thing." Physic/Livvy hummed after a thorough examination of Keefe. "Of course, we would have to travel to the forbidden cities and go into a human hospital- but if you want your boy here awake, I would say it's worth it."

"I'll come! Also, he's not my boy." She mumbled the last part but Livvy just shrugged. 

"Forkle, is it okay if she tags along?" 

Mr. Forkle crossed his arms over his chest, looking very tempted to say no, but when Sophie turned her pleading gaze on his, his face softened. "Alright. But consider this my apology for not being able to tell you who your biological parents are."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Sophie couldn't help but throw her arms around him in excitement and newfound hope, the guilt about not telling him she knew about Oralie only a whisper in the back of her mind. "When are we leaving?" 

Sophie released Mr. Forkle and directed the question to Physic. "How about tomorrow morning? I'll come here and we can leap there together." 

Sophie nodded enthusiastically and sat back down in her chair. "I'll tell Keefe now." 

Mr. Forkle watched them curiously but turned and walked out with only a casual 'goodbye, Sophie'  tossed over his shoulder. Physic followed behind and immediately after, Sophie entered Keefe's mind, this time, finding their spot easily. 

"Hey, Keefe. I have great news!"

It took an agonizingly long moment, but then an answer came. "Oh?"

"Yeah, I think I found a way to wake you up using human medicine! Livvy and I are going to the Forbidden cities tomorrow to get it."

"Wow, that's amazing! I knew you could do it. You are the Foss Boss, after all."

"Keefe. Stooop. I hate that nickname."

"Mmm. That's why I call you it. But seriously, Foster, thank you... it means a lot."

Sophie mentally blushed and pushed aside her feelings. "I... I mean, you're welcome... it was really nothing, it might not even work and I..." 

"Sophie. Stop. You're doing it again, where you don't give yourself enough credit. You. Are. Amazing. When will you realize that?" 

"Sophie?" She asked, noticing how for once he didn't have a nickname. 

"Yes. I want you to know I'm serious." 

She needed a topic change. Pronto."Does it get lonely down here?"

"Hmm? Oh yea, super. But I just have to remember you're right here beside me, and then I last a good other few days before boredom sinks in again." 

Geez, why was he acting so sweet?! It was making it seriously hard for her to keep her emotions under control.  

"Oh- Keefe, sorry, I have to go, Biana is here. Talk soon!" Sophie punctuated the lie by severing their connection before he had a chance to answer and make her heart go all fluttery again. Biana wasn't actually there at all. She hadn't visited since their nail polish/sobbing night and Sophie wondered if she had scared her off with all her snot-crying and blubbering. Oh well. She closed her eyes and tried to let sleep wash over her so that the time would pass faster.

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