Nail polish and tissues

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"How's he doing?" Biana asked quietly, putting her hand on Sophie's knee. 

"That's the thing. I don't know!" Sophie said, blinking away the tears that threatened to well up in her weird eyes. "Elwin's not sure if he's ever gonna wake up again and I-I've tried everything... Biana... Biana, he's one of my best friends, he's always been there, what if... what if he doesn't?!"

Biana leaned over to wrap Sophie in a warm hug, letting her now freely flowing tears spill onto her perfectly fitted tunic that was quite the opposite of Sophie's rumpled, dirty one. When Sophie had calmed down, Biana leaned back, her own eyes shining with moistness. "He will. He has to. How could he not when he has the most amazing girl waiting by his cot with a bear hug and a long rant ready?" 

Sophie giggled pathetically and a snot bubble popped onto her nostril. She reddened, trying to wipe it away frantically with her sleeve before Biana noticed. But her friend just offered a small smile. "I have to go now, my mom wants help cleaning Everglen, but I promise I'll be back soon, with lots of nail polish and tissues, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, B." Sophie wiped her eyes and leaned in for another hug. 

Biana stared intently at Keefe mumbling something under her breath before leaving with a half-hearted wave. "See you!" 

* * *

An entire other uneventful week had passed. Every one of Sophie's friends had visited- even some people that Sophie didn't know- all using different tactics to try and wake him. Bribing, threatening, pleading, panakes blossoms, yelling, staring intently and even styling his hair back to his normal style. But none of it worked. And even the hair tactic just didn't seem to be the perfect way Keefe did it. But Sophie had never left his side. She had baked custard bursts, had sung songs, bought in E.L. fudges and all sorts of human trinkets and toys, had done weird dances, put Mrs. Stinkbottom beside him and had done a fair bit of pleading herself. But his gorgeous ice blue eyes hadn't even fluttered. She was running out of ideas. UGH. But there was one more thing left to try. She wanted to go into his mind, to help guide him through, but Elwin had warned her against it in case something was wrong mentally. But her patience was really quickly running out- and he didn't have to know... right? Ahem. Not that she was PLANNING anything. Nothing at all....

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