I have feelings for you

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Someone knocked on Sophie's door quietly. She stood up from her bed, walking towards the door to open it. The first thing she saw was a pair of teal eyes blinking back at her. "Fitz." Sophie said, without enthusiasm.

He stared at his feet, shuffling them uncomfortably. "Sophie, I'm sorry about the way I acted. It was uncalled for and we agreed we would be friends after we broke up."

Sophie opened the door a little bit more. "Is that all?"

"Can I come in?"

Sophie sighed. "Fine."

He walked passed her and sat on her bed, his perfect self looking out of place beside the twisted bedsheet and scattered pillows. Sophie couldn't remember anymore why she was attracted to his overly perfect self... it seemed so fake and unreal now. She sat down beside him. "Okaaay. So, what did you want to say?"

Fitz tore a hand through his hair. "Sophieistillhavefeelingsforyou."

It took Sophie a moment to digest what he just word vomited. "What?!"

Fitz raised his hands. "Before you say anything, let me speak. When you broke up with me, it was because I was asking too much of you, I know. I kinda took the title of 'boyfriend' and ran with it. And I'm sorry about that. But Sophie, I want you back. So when I saw the real reason you broke up with me, I was angry as hell."

Sophie cut him off. "Fitz?!"

"Sophie, let me speak! I see the way you and Keefe look at each other, I do, okay! So I backed off. But that didn't stop me from being jealous and rude. I couldn't visit Keefe, because it was too painful and when we had the sleepover, I tried, I really did, but we all know about my anger issues. But yesterday, Keefe came over and we apologized and talked about our friendship and... you. That's all I wanted to say."

And then, he walked out, leaving Sophie flapping her lips like a beached fish.

"I really don't see what they see in you." Vertina complained from the corner of the room.

"He, Vertina. Only Fitz." Only Fitz.

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