Locking lips and spilling tea

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"Woah..." All around her, massive vines curled around the tunnel. Plants of all shapes and sizes grew in clumps, giving the air a sweet aroma. The walls and floor were covered in plants, leaving only a thin pathway to walk through. 

"It's an underground garden," Keefe said, coming up beside her. He took a long, loud slurp from his cup. 

"It's beautiful!" 

"Yeah." They walked along the path looking at all the plants, chatting. 

"How did you find this place?" 

Keefe stayed quiet for a moment before speaking. "It was another one of my dad's 'getaway places'. He got some elves to build it for him." 

"Oh," Sophie said. "I'm sorry. Does he still come here?" 

"No, not really. But there's a cave up ahead, c'mon."

He ran ahead, Sophie following and the thin pathway led into a large pool of water bordered with boulders. They took a seat and sat in silence, admiring the scenery. Keefe cleared his throat awkwardly and opened his mouth to speak. Then he shut it again. A few moments passed before he cleared his throat again. And again. Sophie looked at him curiously, getting annoyed. "Yes, Keefe?" 

He swallowed. "When you and Fitz were... dating..." He trailed off and Sophie cringed.

"We weren't... dating, we were just..."

Keefe sighed. "I just want to know if you and him... did you two... lock lips?" 

"What?!" Sophie blushed profusely and occupied herself by fiddling with her straw. "Keefe, why are you asking this?"

He shrugged. "So you did...?" 

"No. Well, almost, a few times, but that's none of your business!" 

"Well... It kinda is if we're... a thing now."

"Are we?" 

Keefe looked at her expectantly. Sophie cleared her throat this time. "I mean, I guess, unofficially. With Fitz and all, I think we're keeping it on the DL, but, yeah?"

Keefe looked relieved. "Well. Now that we have that cleared up..."

Sophie shifted so she was lying on the ground with her head on his legs and looked up into his icy blue eyes. "So. Now that we're a thing, tell me something."

He cocked his head. "You know everything about me."

"No. I want to know about the Great Gulon Incident."

Keefe grinned maliciously and settled back onto his hands, staring down at her. "I didn't do it." 

"Keefe, everybody knows."

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you." Keefe's eyes glittered as he started animatedly recounting his 'greatest accomplishment'.

* * *

"Sophie!" Biana said, from Sophie's bed. 

She froze in the doorway. "Biana! What are you doing here?"

"You thought you could avoid me last time, hm?" Biana stood up, walking towards her like a lion stalking towards their prey. "Spill the tea."

Sophie took a step back. "Okay, okay."

Biana grabbed her hand and dragged her onto her bed. "What's going on with you, Keefe and my brother. Don't think I don't see all those looks."

Sophie took a deep breath. "I'm not sure if I should be the one to tell you, Fitz might not want-"

"Oh, heck no, you're going to tell me! My brother can deal."

"Fine. From the beginning?" 

"No, the beginning started when you arrived in the lost cities. Start from when... everything happened."

"Um, okay." Sophie shifted onto the pillows and looked at the ceiling. "It started when Keefe was in a coma. I guess not having him made me realize that I really like him."

Biana squealed a little. "Omigod, Sophie!"

"So when he woke up, Fitz was acting..."

"Don't hold back, Soph!"

"...a little ragey. So Keefe and him talked and that led to him coming to Havenfield and, um, telling me that he was jealous of me and Keefe for some reason and that he still liked me."

Biana groaned. Sophie continued. "So, I went to the Shores of Solace to ask Keefe what he said to Fitz and that led to him also telling me about his feelings..." Sophie groaned. "This is where it gets bad..."

"Omigod, Sophie!"

"He kinda... asked me out and I said no because I didn't want to hurt Fitz. But he said we didn't have to tell anyone yet except my parents to keep it on the down-low. So I agreed and we went on a date. That's all."

Biana clapped her hands in glee before throwing her arms around Sophie. "Sophie!!!! I can't believe you weren't going to tell me this! Where did he take you? What did you tell my brother? When are you going to break the news? Did you tell Keefe you liked him?"

Sophie squeezed her back. "Shakes and a secret underground garden, Fitz left before I could say anything, I don't know and yes. But slow down." 

Biana leaned back. "Did you and Keefe kiss?" 

"No! Why is everyone asking about who I kiss?!" 

"Who else?" Biana frowned. 

"Nobody," Sophie said quickly. 

Before Biana could press any further, Mr. Forkle appeared on Sophie's imparter. "Sophie. I need you to test Keefe for being a Mesmer."

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