Team Valiant all the way

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"And how do you expect us to help you exactly?" Bronte said, frowning on the five of them. 

Sophie stood tall. "You are supposed to be the leaders of the Lost Cities and the people that elves come to for help. We expect you to make an effort in trying to save one of our kind. You know the dangers that the Neverseen are capable of, so help us defeat them in any way you can!"

Bronte blinked several times and councillor Emery closed his eyes, apparently discussing telepathically with the rest of the council. After a long awkward silence of Dex, Stina, Biana and Wylie shifting uncomfortably, the dark-skinned councillor cleared his throat. "We've come to a decision. Although we do not know what the enzyme is, we will be doing all we can to find out. All we can say though is that you have the council on your side."

Wylie stepped forward. "Thank you. That's really all we wanted."

"Is there anything else you need?" Emery asked, adjusting his circlet. 

Sophie shook her head. "No, we'll go now." 

The five of them walked out of the large room, Sophie already hailing Mr. Forkle. He grunted his praise and Sophie looked at Dex. "Thanks for getting everyone out here." 

She had asked Dex earlier to hail Team Valiant so they could speak to the council and Dex had happily obliged, using his weird techy skills to send out an efficient message to everyone at once. Dex grinned. "No problem. Team Valiant all the way, amiright, Foss Boss?" 

Sophie groaned at the horrid nickname. "Deeeex." 

Dex laughed and walked ahead to speak with Biana, leaving Sophie with Stina, who sidled up beside her. "So you and Keefe, huh? I don't know what he sees in you, but ok."

"You sound just like Vertina," Sophie grumbled. 

Stina looked confused. "Who?"

"She's my sassy talking mirror. She's rude and can't keep her opinion to herself. You two would probably be best friends." Sophie bit her tongue before she could say anything else. "And how did you know about Keefe?!" 

Stina smirked. "Well, firstly, you were the last to know. But the thing that told me it was official was how he kissed your cheek when he dropped you off here this morning."

Sophie flushed. "You saw that?! He was discreet."

Stina snorted and reached up to fix her hair. "Whatever you say. And no- before you start going all Boss on me, I won't tell anyone. Maybe."

"Thanks, Stina." 

Stina just rolled her eyes and walked out the door of the building, Sophie following. She caught up to Dex and Biana who were talking about how Foxfire was starting up again the next day. Everyone said their goodbyes and pulled out their home crystals, stepping into the light. Sophie did the same and leaped straight to Havenfield where Grady and Edaline were waiting in the living room. They stood up, smiles breaking onto their faces when they saw her. "Sophie!" Edaline said. "How was it?" 

Sophie smiled back. "They don't know what it is, but they're working on it and they said we have them on our side."

"Yeah, you do!" Grady scooped Sophie into his arms and she laughed.

Edaline lit up suddenly, a sappy smile on her face. "Sophieeee. Someone's waiting in your room for youuuu!" 

Sophie blushed. "Judging by your face, you're talking about Keefe."

"I think he wanted to know how it went," Grady said, rolling his eyes. 

"Okay," Sophie chirped, turning around to walk up the stairs and headed to her room. 

Muffled voices that she recognized as Keefe's and Vertina's came from it before she walked in. Sophie paused, curious, peeking around the corner. Vertina had her 'miss know-it-all' voice on and was guiding Keefe who was sitting in her chair, leaning forward and applying... makeup?! 

Sophie walked in laughing. "Keefe! Are you putting on my makeup?!" 

He turned around, grinning. "Hey, Foster. What's up?" 

Sophie's teasing words got stuck in her throat. The mascara and eyeliner made his blue eyes pop, highlighting how bright and beautiful they were. "Wow. Vertina knows what she's doing."

Keefe grinned smugly and bowed. "Why thank you. Now, Sophie Elizabeth Foster, sit on this chair. It's your turn.

Sophie shook her head, eyes widening. "No way, Keefe."

"C'mon, Foster! Just once." He pouted. "For meeeee?" 

She didn't know if it was his pretty eyes or how cute he looked pouting, but she found herself reluctantly agreeing. "Ugh, Keeeefe. Fine. But not too much."

He clapped happily and grabbed her hand, pulling her onto the chair. Sophie glowered at Vertina who smiled innocently back. "Okay, so grab that gold eye shadow." 

"And add a sprinkle of torture," Sophie grumbled. 

Keefe did as Vertina said, to the word and every time his fingers brushed her face, her emotions went haywire. She mushed them down the best she could, trying to make light conversation to distract herself. "Foster." Keefe cut in, interrupting her babbling. He grabbed her chin. "What did I tell you about hiding your emotions?"

She blushed furiously. "Well, it's not really fair if I can't feel what you're feeling, right? This can't be one-sided."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Okay then, Foster. You have permission to enter my thoughts and see what I'm thinking. I won't hold back."

"Fine." She slipped into his thoughts, monitoring them while he leaned back in, brushing powder on her cheeks. 

Damn, she's beautiful, I'm so lucky. Keefe thought. Sophie flushed. "Keefe! You can't change your thoughts to embarrass me!" 

Keefe smirked. "Oh, I'm not. Well, I am a little. But you don't want to know what I was thinking about before." 

Her emotions spiked, making Keefe's smile disappear. "Woah, Foster."

He leaned in to brush something on her lashes and Sophie realized just how close they were when their noses skimmed each other. Keefe's warm breath fanned across her face and his brilliant eyes were focused directly on hers. And then his eyes lowered an inch to her nose. And another inch and another until they were focused directly on her glossy lips. Sophie licked them a little and swallowed, leaning in just an inch. Keefe did the same until they were barely a hairsbreadth away.  "Am I interrupting something?" A voice asked, grumpily from the doorway. 

Sophie jumped a little in her seat and they leaped apart. Keefe dragged his eyes away from Sophie's towards the door, where a very angry looking Fitz stood, with his arms crossed. Keefe leaned against the desk casually, holding up the mascara wand. "Ummm yeah. We're doing makeovers. Very important."

Sophie stood up too and walked towards her bed, needing space from Keefe. "No no, Fitz. It's fine. What are you here for?"

Fitz's eyes narrowed and his arms tightened a little around himself. "I actually came here to ask if you had made up your mind yet about what I told you about my feelings. But I think you've told me everything I need to know."

A flicker of hurt passed across his expression, but he masked it well with a sneer. Keefe cleared his throat. "Don't you think that was pretty clear when she broke up with you?" 

"Keefe!" Sophie gasped. 

Keefe looked away. "That was out of line. Sorry. But, I've waited a long time... and you've had your chance now, Fitzy. I think it's time you back off."

Instead of answering, Fitz scowled and turned on his heels, muttering a string of curses on his way out of the door. Sophie dropped her head into her hands. "Keefe, you pretty much just told him! I thought we were waiting a bit!" 

Keefe picked up her crush cuffs from the desk behind him and tossed them to her. "I've waited nearly three years." 

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