Huggamug Cafe

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"So this is your hometown, huh?" Keefe asked, sitting further back in his chair. 

Sophie took another bite of her buttery croissant, wiping away the flakes that fell onto her lap. "Mhhm."

"Kudos to..." He looked up at the sign. "Huggamug cafe! This is the first human food I've had- apart from gelato- that doesn't taste dry and flavourless!" 

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Well, clearly you haven't tried popcorn."

"Is it any good?" Keefe asked, his eyes lighting up. 

"Yup. But I can't make it for the life of me. I put so much salt that it ends up being salt with a sprinkle of popcorn instead of salted popcorn."

Keefe grinned and stuffed the last bite of his croissant into his mouth before swallowing and grabbing her hand eagerly. "We should go get popcorn! And watch one of those human movies!" 

"Keefe," Sophie said looking up at the sky it was getting dark and they had spent hours in the forbidden cities already. "It's getting late. Everyone is probably worried and we're not allowed to be here. I don't think it's such a good idea." 

"Please, Sophie?" He pleaded, eyes widening. 

Sophie sighed and stood. "Keefe, no let's go."

"We're going to the movies," Keefe said firmly. There was something else in his voice as if there was a deeper reason other then just wanting to taste popcorn that he didn't want to return to the lost cities. 

Something clicked in Sophie's mind and she started spewing information about where the nearest theatre was. Without telling them to, her feet started moving quickly in that direction. No part of her wanted to walk along the busy street she was headed to, especially in her elf clothes, but her body kept right on movin'. "Keefe!" Sophie shouted behind her. 

He was staring after her, still at the cafe, looking very confused. But when she shouted, he jumped and scurried over to where she was still trudging along the sidewalk. "Sophie, are you ok?" 

"No, Keefe, I don't want to go to the theatres! My body is... not working!" It sounded extremely stupid once she said it. She tried to stop her limbs from moving, but they were like robotic machines, stick straight and uncooperative. 

"Just stop walking, Sophie! Keefe cried, putting a hand around her arm and bringing her to a halt. And then, she was frozen on the spot, unable to move. 

Cold realization dawned on her; she knew exactly what was happening. And she was absolutely horrified. "Keefe... Are you... Mesmerizing me?!" 

Sorry for the short chapter, had to leave it on this cliffhanger ;)

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