I surrender

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Sophie sprinted as fast as she could through the tall Evergreens rooted on Everglen's front lawn. She snorted remembering what she used to think a lawn was like in the human world.

They were all playing a game of base-quest, the teams being Linh, Biana and Sophie versus Tam, Keefe, Dex and Fitz. Everyone knew that all the girls put together could easily crush the guys since they were playing with powers allowed.

Biana, have you found their flag yet? Sophie shouted to Biana telepathically.

Nope, but I overheard Dex speaking to Keefe about guarding at the fountain, which is on the south side of the field when I was invisible. Biana responded.

Sophie smiled. Only the boys would be stupid enough to hide their flag in a fountain when they had a hydrokinetic on their side. Perfect.

Biana agreed and Sophie switched directions to move towards the fountain, only pausing to communicate with Linh.

It felt nice to be hanging out with her friends again, just playing a game and leaving the Neverseen problems to the council for now.

She was close enough to the fountain now to hear the running water and Keefe's thoughts. They confirmed that the flag was near.

But just before she could step into the clearing, someone coughed behind her. She whipped around, ready to run. Fitz was standing there, a grin on his face. "I think you're in our territory."

It had been awkward seeing Fitz today. They still hadn't really spoken about what happened between them, but Sophie had already forgiven him anyway. Maybe it wasn't the best choice. Maybe Fitz didn't deserve another chance.

Instead of tagging her though, Fitz put up his hands and took a step back. "I surrender, Sophie. You go get that flag."

His words had a second meaning, she knew that. Sophie smiled widely at him. "Thanks, Fitz."

Even if he didn't deserve anything more, Sophie didn't care. They were friends and he brought her to this amazing place. To Keefe, and Biana, and the twins and Dex and her parents. She was happy and Fitz would find a better person for himself one day and he would be one too. They were only teens, after all.

She turned on her heels and ran straight towards Keefe, hoping to be able to get around him and retrieve the flag.

She didn't. It wasn't the best plan, looking back, but she was on a crazy adrenaline high. Keefe easily ran forward and grabbed her arm, blocking her from the fountain. "Nice try, Soph," He said, laughing.

She wriggled around, trying to escape his grip. He leant forward and whispered in her ear, "I've got a death grip on you, Sophie, and I'm not letting you go."

Sorry for the cheesy ending, everyone 😂! Hope you enjoyed my fanfic, if you have any ones you'd like me to read of yours, I'd be glad to, just leave a comment! Also, if you enjoyed this, you might like to check out my other fanfiction, it's called 'Our Time In High School', and it's a KotLC high school AU.
Have a lovely time in quarantine, friends! 😝

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