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"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City I'm a thousand miles away but tonight girl you look so pretty yes you do." I sang with Matt while playing the ukulele.

"A thousand miles seems pretty far but they got-."

"No that's not the part." I chuckled.

"Then what is." Matt asked. I hoped down from the counter and walked behind the register and went on my phone.

"Here." I stated and handed Matt my phone. "Since you can't learn my favorite song learn it."

"Oh wow." Matt laughed.

"Come on I love that song I sing it all the time why isn't it engraved in your head by now." I asked.

"I don't know." Matt laughed. "Maybe I've just learned to tone you out."

"Oh hush." I mumbled. "I'm going to miss you when you go off to college and find another mistress."

"Okay but that is not going to happen." Matt laughed.

"We both know it will." I smiled. "And it's okay it happens-."

"Stop it you always do this I'm not going to let another girl come between us." Matt smiled and cupped the side of my face.

"It's happened before." I stated.

"But it's not happening again." Matt chuckled and pecked my lips. "I have to go help my mom with her shed."

"Again." I asked.

"She keeps burning the outlets I'll see you at your dads okay." Matt smiled and I nodded. "I might finish early and come by but I'm not sure how long it's going to take."

"Take your time." I smiled. He grabbed his backpack from behind the counter and hopped off the stool and walked out of the shop. I sighed and looked down at my notebook and heard the bell ring. I lifted my head up and Zach walked in. "I was beginning to think you're a no show."

"I'm a busy guy what can I say." Zach chuckled while looking at the shirts. "How you been."

"Stressed but getting past it." I chuckled. "How are you."

"Tired I just woke up like two hours ago." Zach laughed.

"So no matter what you can't wake up fully either." I asked and he looked at me.

"Not at all." Zach smiled. "Unless I have food."

"What is your go to morning food." I asked.

"Chicken nuggets but if I'm feeling a little dangerous chicken tenders." Zach smiled.

"A smooth criminal huh." I asked and smiled. "I don't like anything but chicken I can't remember the last time I actually had something else and nobody buys me dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets anymore because they say it's for kids."

"Who is they." Zach asked.

"My dad and boyfriend but I thinks he's gonna break up with me soon but it's okay." I chuckled. "I've come to deal with heartbreak easy."

"And why's that heartbreak sucks." Zach stated.

"I lost my one true love a few months ago." I sighed. "It's my mom she would buy me dino nuggets and we would sit on the beach and eat them."

"Powerful love." Zach smiled. "I'm sorry."

"My fault." I mumbled.

"How." Zach asked.

"Remember the girl who jumped off the cliffs when the tide was high one night." I asked.

"That was your mom." He asked and I nodded.

"Me and my boyfriend wanted to go jumping and we asked her to come along and she did because I convinced her the tides her high enough and she jumps all the time but because it was dark she couldn't tell and went under and never came up." I explained.

"I'm so sorry." Zach whispered. "That sucks."

"I'm passed it somewhat that days still replay on repeat in my head everywhere I go and she 'speaks' to me." I chuckled. "Don't worry I'm not crazy I just smoke a lot of weed."

"Huh." Zach chuckled. "Skating and smoking isn't safe."

"I know I'm sober right now." I chuckled. "And I know it's legal here but it's for my anxiety the dog I was playing fetch with on the beach she my support dog and a trained cop dog."

"Badass." Zach smiled. "I like your eyes."

"Thank you." I smiled. "I like your smile it seems innocent enough but can do harm to certain people."

"What does that mean." Zach asked.

"A smile can make a girl fall in love easily." I chuckled.

Love at first sight/ Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now