Chapter 20-I have no claim

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It's Monday today and we are done with our tour for today! We are on our way home.

"make sure to take enough rest guys, you still have to perform for Elijah's birthday tomorrow" Joe reminded us

Trina and I haven't been talking for days now. I just got really busy on tour. Joe's been really strict in using our phones.

I opened my phone and messaged Trina.

hey, on our way home 😉

I cant deny it but I really miss her. I waited for her reply but she didn't answer.

Maybe she's doing something important.

I really wished she was with us on tour. It would've been more fun.

I really miss her damn it! I haven't seen her face for days. I miss her presence.

I checked my phone again but Trina didn't respond yet. She used to reply really fast. She's always on her phone.

I decided to message her again.

you busy?
I miss you 🙊

I turned off my phone as soon as I sent my message.

"hey, why dont you take a nap Brad?" Connor asked

"not really sleepy" I chuckled

"okay, I'll take a nap. And dont make noises" Connor said and walked away.

I waited for minutes but Trina still hasn't replied.

I tried to call her but she won't answer too. Where is this girl.

So I decided to message Elijah.

brother, where is Trina? she's not replying to my messages

It only took seconds for Elijah to reply.

oh brother, you dont even wanna know hahaha

What does he mean?

Why? Did something happen to her?

Well I hope she's okay

Trina and Madison were so drunk last night that they ended up sleeping inside your fiancée's car😆

they're drunk? Okay I wanna see a drunk Trina but this is so serious right now.

Seriously? why were they drinking anyway?

Well they said Madison just went inside her room and brought a case of beer

woah I've never seen her really drunk before

yeah she kept saying they were just sober hahaha they don't even remember anything about sleeping inside the car

damn that's really bad. We're on our way home from tour, can I visit her?

I don't really know but they're taking a rest 'cause of they're headache

Sht I cant wait for tomorrow just to see her.

okay, thank you Elijah. I'll just see you tomorrow

sure, see you brother.

I thought I can finally see her now but damn it

I can't wait for tomorrow. I wanna take care of her.

I remembered when I was drunk and she took care of me. Damn Im missing her even more.

~ TRINA' s POV ~

I woke up feeling a little bit better.

I stood up and made my way to the couch.

I grabbed my phone and opened it.

Wait where's Madison?

I opened my phone and saw Bradley's message.
2 unread messages and 1 missed calls

Whatever, Im mad at him. Why is he even only calling now?

My phone chimed and read Madison's message.

hey, already left. Really had fun last night but still couldnt remember ending up in your car LOL See you tomorrow tho xo

I smiled while reading her message.

I honestly dont remember anything about being so drunk. We were just sober.

I cant even imagine myself being that drunk.

I didn't open Bradley's message so I just went down stairs to eat lunch.

I made my way to the dining area and saw Elijah.

"how are you feeling my drunk sister?" he asked

I shrugged, "I dont know, I was just sober"

he chuckled, "fine, whatever you say"

I sat beside him and started eating.

"You could've invited me last night." he laughed

I stared at him

"okay okay, just kidding. Eat your lunch" he chuckled

"The only way to help is if you'd shut up" I sighed

"By the way, Bradley messaged me." he said and drank a glass of apple juice

I dont really feel like talking about him.

I just nod and continued eating.

I feel really sad about myself. I look forward about a lot of things and expect too much.

But who am I to get mad at him? We're just stuck in a forced marriage.

I dont have the right to complain and all. Who am I to get mad and to get hurt? Everything's just forced.

We're not in love. It's so impossible for him to love me.

He doesn't even care about me.

"he was worried about you because you weren't answering his calls and messages" Elijah said

I glared at him, "so?"

"oh okay. I'll shut up. But are you okay?"

"yeah, Im good" I said and made my way back to my room

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