Chapter 33-For nothing

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"What? Are you serious?" I asked

"Why wouldnt we be?" Dad asked

I chuckled, "because you're drunk or sober"

"We know what we're saying" Dad said

"Are you happy?" Mom asked

"Happy?" I scoffed

I looked at Elijah but he looked away.

He knew about this.

So I was the only one who didn't know about this. Okay I've had enough of this. People lie, people hide things from you.

"Aren't you two in love?" Anne asked

I huffed, "In love? Didn't you even notice how we're avoiding each other?" I asked

Bradley chuckled, "Actually, you are the one who's avoiding me"

"Because you lied!" I yelled

"You dont have to yell Trina" Dad spoke

I looked at him and sighed, "Do you guys even know what he did to me?" I asked

"We do" Derek said

"We all know" Elijah sighed. I looked at him with a 'really?' Look.

"And you're all okay with it?" I scoffed.

"Because he explained everything" Dad said

"And if only you would give him the chance to explain it to you, then maybe. Just maybe, you would understand." mom said

I rolled my eyes, "Everything was already enough for me."

"There you are again. Back with your shitty attitude" Dad spoke.

"Because everything is too much!" I yelled

I took a deep breath and continued talking, "I did what you wanted me to do because it was for our family. It felt like our lives we're at risk. I had to sacrifice my future. I did everything I could but one day we all woke up from the reality that none of it was real. No one's getting married."

I sighed, "Did you honestly think this was all easy for me? Im not ready for commitments. Im not ready to settle a family. I just want things to work in my life the way I want it to be. But I did everything for my family! But then I found out that the guy who I was supposedly in love with, lied to me." I cried

I wiped my tears and silence filled room.

"Why is it a big deal to you?" Mom asked

"I feel so betrayed when people lie to me! I feel like I've been played. Living my whole life happily when people are hiding things from me."

I walked away and went outside. I went inside my car and drove away.

This is too much. Really.

It's not that I dont wanna marry him. I just lost interest in everything.

I dont want him to explain anymore. I just want everything to be okay.

No more worries

No more lies

No more secrets

Nohing more, nothing less

"Madison" I immediately hugged her as soon as she opened the door.

"Hey, what's the matter?" She asked

She pulled me towards her couch and we sat down

"Im getting married with Brad" I sobbed

She chuckled,"omg I thought it was all just a lie"

"They want us to get married for real. Because our parents think we're in love"

She rubbed my back, "hun, is this tears of joy?"

I playfully hit her shoulder,"No! I dont wanna get married for real"

She laughed, "so why did you agree about the fixed marriage at first?" She asked

I rolled my eyes, "I did it for my family okay? For our company."

She stood up and grabbed some tissue.

I wiped my tears with the tissue and took a deep breath.

"So why dont you do the real marriage for your family too?" She asked

It's different.

The fixed marriage was for my family's company. The real one is not going to be the same.

It's like they're forcing me to marry someone for nothing.
I cant just marry Bradley for real when I only even met him for 2 months.

"It's not easy Madison. I need you to be on my side. I need you to-"

"Okay chill. I understand, I get it okay? Just get some rest" she sighed

She's right. I need to get some rest.

I dont wanna go home.

"Can I stay here for the night?" I asked

She nod, "Sure. Come, get some sleep biatch"

Im very grateful to have a friend like Madison.

I dont know where to go or whom to run to if she never came to my life.

I tried to get some sleep and set aside the annoying things that's bothering me.

~ ~ ~



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