Chapter 27-A shocker

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It's been a week eversince the tour.

The boys and I had a really great time especially Chantelle and Caitlyn.

"How about this?" Mom asked me showing the wedding gown she saw

"It's fine" I said

We've been here for hours now. Anne was supposed to be with us but she said there's an emergency in their office.

"Mom how about something with sleeves and then an off shoulder?" I asked

"Good. It's good that you're telling me what kind of gown you want" she smiled

Bradley and I haven't seen each other for two days now.
But we still call and text each other.

He's busy with their songs and Im busy with mom planning for our wedding that's happening next month.

Time flies so fast.

I feel like Bradley and I have known each other for years now.

"I think this is what she wants" Lilly, the wedding gown maker said

I looked at the gown she was holding.

So beautiful. It's perfectly what I just said.

It's fit and long.

I stood up and looked around the gown.

"This one's really beautiful" I chuckled

"Do you think this is the one?" Mom asked

I shrugged and just starred at it.

"We can re-design this if you want." Lilly said

"We'll think about it first. Thank you Lilly, we will be back probably next week" mom said

"TRINA ARE YOU FINE?" Mom asked as soon as she started driving

I smiled, "of course"

"I just thought maybe you dont wanna talk about the wedding. But it's happening next month" she said

I sighed, "Mom, I'm already good okay? Nothing to worry about."

"Okay, I'm glad to know about that." She said

My phone beeped and I immediately opened it

hi baby, I miss you already

I smiled while reading the message he sent me.

Sometimes, he can be really cute.

Wow, really? Hmm

Yes,dont you miss me too? :((

I miss you too
Oops I accidentally sent it

Jeez hahaha
Wishing I was with you rn

Do you want me to say the same thing too? Hahaha

Gtg baby, text you later after the band meeting, love you

Holy shit

He loves me?

Was that a wrong send?
A joke?

Wow shocker

I immediately went out the car as soon as we arrived.

I went straight to my room and laid down in my bed.

I couldnt believe it.

Should I text back?

My phone beeped again and thought it was bradley. But it was Connor

Hey girly! Can you please message back Bradley? He said we won't start the meeting unless you reply back.
Btw, I miss you and hoping to see you soon girly

OMG is Bradley kidding?

And Connor is really cute when he calls me GIRLY. I think it's our new call sign.

Hey Girly! Im very sorry. He's being a baby again. Miss you too tho!

I turned off my phone and took a deep breath.

Chill Trina. It's just an I love you.

Dont be so ignorant. Dont be so OA.

I opened my phone and texted back Bradley

Okay sure, I'll wait. Take care :-)

I sent the message and closed my eyes.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I WOKE up when I heard my door bang

"What the hell?" I said

Elijah went in and sat on the couch

"Okay first of all. Sorry about Rimona" he said and took a deep breath

"Oh that bitch" I said and rolled my eyes

"She had no idea of course. She doesn't care about somethings thats why" he said

"Yeah and I dont care about her so quit it" I sighed

"So uhm Haley saw me and her after you left" he said

I got off my bed and sat beside him

"I told you to leave right away." I softly said

"What? I'll leave with her? She didnt want me to leave" he yelled

"Oh so she knows Rimona was your ex?" I asked

He gave me a nod.

"Haley distanced herself right after that happened" he sighed

"Wait, I thought she was in Hawaii?" I asked

"It was a surprise. She went home because she missed me" Elijah said

"Yes and turns out, she was the one who got surprised" I said

Elijah stayed silent

"Hey" I rubbed his back

"Try talking to her again. Explain to her why you were together in the restaurant. Get her trust back. Prove to her that Rimona the bitch doesn't mean anything to you anymore. Give your all brother. You cant just stay upset there." I said

He looked at me and smiled, "I will, and thank you"

I pulled him for a hug

"Now let's go down for dinner" he said

"Go ahead, just give me a minute" I said

He stood up and went outside

Then I remembered what Bradley texted me awhile ago.

Fck it! It was just a message.

Yes, an unexpected message.

Ugh! This guy is driving me crazy.

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