Chapter 28-Truth hurts

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I am on my way to Bradley's house. Mom asked me to bring them a box of cake since mom decided to bake.

I know Bradley isn't going to be there but still I managed. Besides, Im going shopping with Chantelle and Caitlyn after this.

I parked my car and made my way towards the door.

I pressed the door bell and waited for someone to open it.

"Oh Miss Trina" A senior maid greeted me

"Hi" I smiled

"Come in" I went inside

"Mom wanted me to bring this cake. Is Anne and Derek home?" I asked

"Im sorry but they're not around. There's an emergency in the office they still havent fixed it. But I'll tell them you brought this for them" she said

I handed her the box and made her way to the kitchen

I followed her and saw Glycel, the pretty junior maid.

She was slicing apples and avocados.

I sat down on the chair infront of the table where she was slicing the fruits.

"Hey" I smiled

She looked at me and smiled, "h-hi" she stuttered.

"You're Glycel right?" I asked

She nod, "apples?" She offered me

I got one slice and ate it

"How long have you been together with Bradley?" She asked

Felt like years

"Probably two months now" I said

She looked at me and smiled awkwardly

"Dear Glycel, dont bother Miss Trina" the senior maid said

"No, its fine. Nothing to worry about" I smiled

She nod and left us

"Do you still go to school?"I asked her

"Uhm.. I prefer to work here with my mom" she said

I nod "oh okay" I said

"So when are you and Brad getting married?" She asked while slicing nore avocados

Why is she asking questions about Bradley?

I shrugged, "somewhere around next month" I said

"Ouch" she gasped and sipped her thumb

She got wounded by the knife

"Oh gosh, let me help you."I said

"No, I can handle this" she said.

I watched her as she left the kitchen.

I stood up and went to the living room. I looked around and just looked at the pictures hanging on the wall.

Bradley has a lot of pictures on the wall, he looks really cute.

"Hey" I turned around and saw Glycel

"Can you help me with this?" She asked and handed me the medical tape

"Sure" I smiled

I placed medical tape on her wound. It was kinda big.

But it wasn't bleeding anymore.

"Did Bradley told you about his past?" Glycel asked

"What past?"I asked as soon as I finished putting medical tape on her thumb

"Oh yeah, of course he wouldnt." She sighed

What is she talking about?

"Tell me" I said and tried to stay calm.

"Nevermind about it. He would get mad ab-"

"No really, tell me" I fake chuckled.

"You wanna know about our past?" She asked

She has a past with Bradley?

What the hell

I just looked at her

"Bradley and I used to be in love with each other. No one knew about our relationship and I was okay with it. Then, he knew about the fixed marriage two weeks after he dumped me. We still talk, but privately" she said

How come Bradley never told me about this?

I thought Lauren was his only ex?

And she has the audacity to confidently speak like this.

This is why I sensed something wrong during the dinner when she served us food.

"Note the phrase, 'used to be' it means it was before. Not now anymore." I said and tried to fight back.

Bradley lied to me.

He's hiding things from me.

"Really? Oh and yeah, he visited me in my room last week, two times in a row. It was unexpected. And, Im confident to say that he's still in love with me. After all, your marriage isn't like your both in love" she said and left the living room.

She turned around and spoke, "thank you for helping me by the way" then she walked away

I was left with no words.

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