Chapter 30-Living a lie

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I hate to leave Trina like that. But I had to. Mom texted me because there was an emergency.

I wanted to explain everything to her. Especially about Glycel.

I admit we had something before but it wasn't really serious.

I visited her room last week because I wanted to enlighten her and to let her understand that I am in love with Trina.
I wanted to make sure that she won't do anything that would ruin us.

But she did.

I didn't know she would attack Trina like this.

I was looking for the right time to tell her. I didn't want her to find out this way.

Now I am driving my way to the court of law. It is the last trial for our company's case.

We are hoping for the best.

If we are proved guilty, then the company will be temporarily closed before our wedding.

I went out of my car as soon as I found a parking space.

I went inside and saw my parents. I sat with them.

The trial started minutes after.

They were talking about stuffs and I couldn't focus.

I keep thinking about Trina.

I know I disappointed her. I feel like I really lost her trust. I dont even know if she would still listen to me.
I know Glycel really hated Trina. Of course, she wanted me. She was so obsessed with me.

I know, I could've told Trina in the first place.

I looked at mom and she looked at me with a smile.

But she was a little nervous, I can tell.

My phone keeps on buzzing so I checked it out. It was Glycel.

Fck what does she want?

I dont wanna answer it so I turned off my phone. Im pissed at her.


The judge said. Everyone cheered and celebrated.

My parents hugged me and they cried with years of joy.

But, the only problem left is who did the crime.

Harris walked towards us and hugged us.

He doesn't seem so happy.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Simpson, and Bradley" he said

"Congrats to us, Harris" dad chuckled and pulled him for a hug.

I can see how happy my parents are. And Im so happy for them too.

"So does this mean the wedding is off?" Mom asked the judge


"Actually, I have something to confess" Harris said

"What wedding, Mrs. Simpson?" She asked

Mom looked back at us, "The fixed marriage, so that a relative would own the company and change the name?" Mom chuckled

"I really need you to listen guys" Harris said

But we didn't mind him.

"Im sorry but we never discussed anything about fixed marriage." The judge confusingly said.

"It was all my fault." Harris yelled.

We all looked at him.

"What are you talking about, Harris?" Dad asked

"I betrayed you guys. I was the one who stole and placed the products in the company." He admitted

"What?" Mom gasped

"You son of a bitch" Dad yelled

Dad was supposed to knock him down but I grabbed him.

"We trusted you Harris! How could you?!" Mom yelled

If he did that, maybe he had something to do with the marriage.

"Did you made all the fixed marriage thing up?" I asked

He looked at me and slowly nod

"What is wrong with you Harris?!" Dad yelled

He was attempting to attack him again but this time, the police pulled dad.

Why are there police in here?
"Don't worry. He's going to jail for this" our lawyer said.

"You knew about this?" Dad asked him

"Im sorry. He blackmailed me Mr. Simpson." He apologized

"Why would you want my son to marry someone?" Mom asked

"I knew Bradley is such a busy guy with his band. I've been in the company eversince it started. I had hope that Bradley would give me the company soon. Since all of you trust me and consider me as family." he explained

This is the dumbest plan ever.

He's insane! Is he taking drugs?

"What? Your plan is bullshit. Do you even hear yourself?" I yelled

"I know, I know it was a crazy plan. I was just too desperate to have the company." He said

"You're the dumbest person alive Harris" dad said

"Yeah and fck you for forcing me to prove the company guilty" Our lawyer spoke

"I want this man to stay in Jail for the rest of his life. Take him" dad told the police

"Hey, do everything you could" mom told the lawyer

"I will. Congratulations again, Mr. And Mrs. Simpson" he said and left

"What a crazy guy" mom huffed

"At least now our problem is solved" dad said and pulled her for a hug

"I still can't believe his plan. Even if we're proved guilty in the trial, I still wont give him the company" I huffed

"Right son. Now, everything's back to normal" dad smiled

"Thank God" mom sighed

"WOAH, that was unexpected" Natalie said as soon as we got home.

I pulled her for a hug, "heard everything from the lawyer whom I bumped into a while ago" she said

"I always knew there was something wrong with Harris" she said

"We trusted him and never knew what he was up to" mom said

"He was with us eversince before. What a son of a bitch" dad said

"We need to discuss this with the Karsten's" mom said and sat on the couch

"Yeah, dinner tomorrow? Or lunch?" Natalie asked

No more wedding. No more Trina. No more.

This is so upsetting.

"Probably just a meeting tomorrow morning" mom said

I stood up and went straight to my room

I decided to call her but she's not answering.

She's probably ignoring me. Maybe she doesn't wanna listen to me anymore.

I really hurt her.

I never should've lied and hid things from her.

Because when you love someone, you would never do anything that would hurt her.

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