Chapter 34-Dealing with changes

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"Good morning. Wake up"

I opened my eyes when I heard Madison's voice.

She looked at me and smiled, "Get up, let's eat breakfast"
I usually take a shower first before eating breakfast.

"Yeah, I'll take a shower first" I stood up and made my way towards the bathroom.

After taking a shower I went out to change.

Clothes we're on the bed.

"You can have those." Madison said.

"Thank you" I smiled

She sighed, "feeling better?"
I honestly dont know. I dont feel anything.

"Maybe" I smiled

After changing, we made our way to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

I opened my phone and saw a lot of missed calls and messages from last night.

I didn't open any of the messages.

"Your brother called last night." She said

I just continued eating.

"He was asking if I know where you were. I told him you're with me, nothing to worry about" she said

I smiled, "Thank you. I really dont know what to do without you"

She chuckled, "That's sweet. So shut up"

"WHAT are you gonna do now" Madison asked while we're watching a movie

I shrugged, "I dont know. Maybe I'll still be staying with you"

She giggle, "Great, I actually need a roommate"

"That's probably me already" I laughed

"Oh wait" Madison said as we heard the door bell ringing

I dont know what to do or where to go now, honestly.

I dont wanna see my parents or anyone except Madison.

Everything just pisses me off already.

What's taking Madison so long?

I stood up to check on her.

"Madison?" I asked

"There you are" Bradley said

Madison walked towards me, "I'm so sorry. He forced me to see you"

"Its fine" I said and walked towards Bradley

"What do you want?" I asked

he sighed, "I'm here to pick you up"

I chuckled, "I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh come on, Everyone's worried about you" he said

I rolled my eyes, "Im fine okay? Now go" I tried to close the door but he was so strong.

"Dont do this please? Your mother fainted last night worrying about you." He huffed

What? I thought they knew I was with Madison?

I sighed and went inside to get my sling bag.

"Thank you for everything Madison, I gotta go" I said

"Sure. Call me when you need me" she said and pulled me for a hug.

"JUST so you know, I'm still not okay with what happened last night" I said as he started driving his car

I heard him sigh. Whatever

Now Im worried about my mom.
Im not worried about Bradley's behavior.

"It's happening next month" he said

I gasped, "What the fuck?" I yelled

He just laughed

"This isn't funny. I'm not happy about this" I said

"It's really happening whether you like it or not" he said

"This is not going to be easy. It will only happen when your dog Jessie starts talking" I said

He chuckled, "ohhh really?"

I rolled my eyes, "ohhh really?" I mocked

He laughed, "You're acting like a baby"

"Yeah, but not your baby anymore" I said

"Hmmm" he said

I took a deep breath, "Also, don't expect me to be the Trina you used to know. It's not going to be the same anymore, whether you like it or not it's happening" I said and went outside his car.

I opened the door and entered the house.

"Finally, she's home" Elijah said and pulled me for a hug

"Where's mom?" I asked

"You still care about us?" Dad asked

I turned to him and hugged him, "of course" I said without any face expression.

"I thought you were lost" mom said as soon as she saw

"It's a good thing I called Madison after. Thinking you were with her. And boy was I right" Elijah chuckled

"Im fine mom" I said

"Bradley, Thank you for bringing her home" Dad said

Bradley smiled and looked at me. I looked away and continued talking to mom.

"Im sorry if we freaked you out about last night" Mom apologized

I sighed, "Mom let's not talk about that. How are you feeling?" I asked

She smiled, "Im good already knowing that you're home safe"

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