Chapter 24-Family

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"It's true, you really are beautiful" Anne immediately said, as soon as we reached  the dining table.

I gave her a smile, "Thank you, you look really beautiful too especially in that dress"

We sat down and started eating. Bradley's other hand was on my legs. Wow he's eating with only one hand.

"So, you're a social media influencer?" Derek asked

I looked at him, "I dont really know, I just have thousands of followers on twitter and instagram."

Anne asked, "Wow, how about try some endorsements?"

I chuckled, "Well a lot has been sending me emails about being an endorser but it's not really my thing."

"Give it a try" Bradley winked

I just gave him a smile and continued eating.

"yes, give it a try. You'll be amazing" Anne said

"I'll think about it" I chuckled

Bradley's hand was still on my leg. Im not really distracted, I just thought it wasn't there anymore.

"Thank you for doing this" Anne held my hand on the table.

I looked at her for a second and smiled, "no problem. Besides, your son is not a pain in the ass this past few weeks"

Bradley glared at me and we all laughed.

"He's a nice kid" Derek chuckled

Bradley groaned, "Dad, Im not a kid anymore" and he leaned on the chair

We all laughed about it. Minutes after, the desert was served by a pretty girl. She's a junior made in here, I guess. She looks young.

She looked at me and I smiled at her. She smiled awkwardly back at me.

When she left, I immediately spoke.

"She's beautiful." I shrugged

"Her mother is the head of maids in here. Her mom decided to let her work. She's Glycel." Derek said

Bradley sighed.

The conversation went on and on. We didnt talk much about the marriage. We just talked about ourselves like getting to know.

The Simpsons are really nice. How I wish Natalie was here. Unfortunately, she's in LA for some business thing.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Bradley asked.

I shrugged, "Whatever"

He chuckled, "Good. Youre not rolling your eyes at me"

We are in his room's balcony. Anne and Derek gave us time because they also have business things to do.

"Can I ask you a question?" I looked at him

He nod his head, "sure, anything"

"How many ex's do you have?" I laughed

"wow" he laughed, "I think only one, Lauren. As far as I can remember"

I shrugged, "okay"

"how about you?" he asked

I turned to him, "I never had a boyfriend before. "

He chuckled, "Why?"

I shrugged, "I dont know..."

"Well that's good, I guess. Coz you are going to have a husband soon" he said

I glared at him, "okay just shut up"

Then he chuckled

"come on tour with us next month" he said breaking the silence between us

I dont really know if I can come with them. What if I'll be only a distraction to them? What if their supporters would be suspicious about me? Or about me and Bradley?

I wanna come with them and experience it. But Im hesitating.

I sighed, "I'll think about it"

"What? But I thought we already talked about this last time?" Bradley said

oh yeah. I told the boys and their girlfriends about going on tour with them next time.

"Fine, I'll go" I smiled

"Yes!" Then he pulled me for a hug

I chuckled, "Why are you so happy about this?"

He let go of me and said, "Because.... Tris and James are bringing their girls with them. So finally, Im bringing mine" he winked at me

"Poor Connor" I chuckled

"How about you invite Victoria to come here next time?" He said

"Oh yeah! I'll talk to her about it maybe tomorrow" I said

Im so excited to tell Victoria about this. Hopefully, she would come.

"We could bring her on tour too" Bradley said

I gasped, "Really? She's going to be so happy about this"

Brad chuckled, "Connor will be too"

"are we setting them up?" I laughed

"I dont know" Bradley said

"Am I interrupting?" We looked back and saw Anne leaning on the door.

"No, you're not" I smiled

She made her way towards us and smiled.

"Im happy seeing you two getting along" she said

"Mom..." Bradley said

"What? you both look perfect for each other" She chuckled

I smiled and bit my lower lip

"Okay mom, you're trying to make Trina feel uncomfortable" Bradley sighed

"Bradley? Of course not!" I chuckled

"There it is. You're just maybe embarrassed Brad" Anne chuckled

"Im not" Bradley defended

"By the way Trina, your mom called" Anne said

I looked at her, "Why?"

"She was just asking about how our dinner went" she transferred beside me.

I sighed

"I know you're still a little bothered about this honey" she said

"Im actually doing good about this" I said

"That is good to know. I like you Trina. We should really go shopping soon, with your mom" She chuckled

"Yeah, would love to." I smiled

"Dont feel awkward or uncomfortable around us okay? You're part of our family now" She smiled

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it"

"Okay, I'll go down now. Bradley might get annoyed at me for stealing the moment" she chuckled

"oh Im sure he wont mind" I said looking at Bradley starring at me.

"Okay mom. Goodnight" Bradley kissed her mom

I also pulled her for a hug and told her goodnight.

"Welcome to our family" Bradley said as soon as Anne walked out.

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