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IMAGINE helping him stay zen.

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it was silent in this part of the woods, the only sounds echoing were the faint chirping of birds and the waterfall that was occasionally splashing the two of you.

you both needed to come out here and curtesy of the hokage you're able to stay as long as you'd need to until you reach the needed contentment.

but naruto being naruto, you were having a little trouble keeping him still, so you decided to resort to the last thing that you knew you would regret later. "listen naruto," you began, grabbing the hardheaded blondes attention.

"if you can please just do this one thing for the hokage with no trouble.. i'll buy you all the ramen you can eat." he gave you a look that said 'add a little more', making you sigh. "for a whole week."

"a month, then we have a deal."

"fine, a month. we got a deal."

blame it on the kids.〘 𝐆𝐈𝐅 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 〙Where stories live. Discover now