✰ P R O L O G U E ✰

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"Why won't this fit in the goddamn trunk?" I mutter to myself as I try to stuff my oversized luggage into the scrawny trunk of my 2008 Honda civic. Frustratingly moving my wet hair to the side, which is annoyingly clinging to my back, I use both of my hands to push my luggage, which is pretty much the side of Denver, Colorado. After extreme measures of pushing and muttering profanities to myself, I somehow managed to stuff this shit into the back of my car, which I am surprised is still running to this day. Then, I sigh to myself, feeling somewhat satisfied, strutting to the front of my car.

The engine sputters and coughs up huge amounts of exhaust as I scrunch my nose up in disgust. I need to get a fucking job, I think to myself. I don't think I can deal with my half-dead car anymore.

My phone starts to blare inside of my pocket. Groaning to myself, I snatch my phone and sigh to myself as I see my brother is calling me. I pick up the phone and answer. "Sup," I breathe out, turning the radio on.

"How was vacation?" he excitedly asks me. I press on the accelerator as the car starts to move out of the airport pickup area. "It was wonderful," I grin. "I'm really gonna miss that place."

"Yeah, but at least you're back home now."

"Yeah, in New York?" I snort. "Going from palm trees and sunsets to work and stress is not what I am all excited about at the moment."

Rahul laughs to himself. "At least you don't have to worry about your wife and two kids." I hear Rahul's wife shout in the background as I wince. Rahul says, "Sorry, babe! I still love you!"

I chuckle and put the phone on speaker as I set it aside so I can fully concentrate driving. It is raining like crazy today, as my wet clothes are clinging to my body. It is absurdly gross. "Speaking of that, how's your life going? Work as well?"

"Eh, it's going," he mutters. "Living in Maine is actually depressing because it is literally summer and it is still cold as hell."

I scoff. "At least it's not raining bat shit crazy like here in New York! I swear, I am going back to Costa Rica right now."

Rahul chuckles. "You know you can't. You have to deal with your work issues."

"Ugh, you're right," I roll my eyes. "Thanks for ruining the mood for me."

He breaks out in laughter, then clears his throat. "You know, if you ever need money you can ask me. I am willing to help—"

"No!" I blurt out. "I mean... look, Rahul, I need to prove to Mom and Dad that I can work hard on my own and still make enough money to support myself and others. As much as I would appreciate a financial loan at this moment, I still need to be independent and just hope for the best."

"I respect that, Reeya. It is great and wonderful to be independent, but you still need to accept help when it is well-needed."

"Yeah, well, uh... bye, I gotta go," I whistle. "The traffic is getting really bad right now and— uh— I just want to get home safe, you feel?"

"But, Reeya, I—"

"Bye, love you!" I screech, ending the phone. Oh, thank God. Last thing I needed was a goddamn lecture now.

Groaning, I lean my head against the headrest as I sit in the bumper to bumper traffic right in the center of New York City. People always wondered how I was able to drive here with no fear, but I have been living here for the past four years, so I pretty much am a full time New Yorker now.

As I try to make a left turn, a car comes out of nowhere as I honk at them. "Watch where you're going, dumbass!" I shriek at the car. The driver flashes me the finger as I flash him the finger as well, but with both hands.

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