ch. 19 ✰ a drama-filled dinner

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The door flings open as I see the rest of the gang eagerly waiting to see who won the competition, but the looks on our faces easily gives away the answer to that question, since Akash looks slightly disappointed, and I have a grin covering at least half of my face. The girls start to squeal, jumping up and down, as Manav and Ali pout and mutter curses under their breath.

"Yes, Ree Ree... you go girl!" Ayushi yelps. Neha hugs me tightly, as the rest of the girls join in. "Oh my God, guys," I wheeze out.

"Sorry," they all start to clamor, releasing me from their wrath. "We're just so happy you won!" Suhana beams.

"Thanks," I murmur, smiling. "But it's really not that big of a deal. It's just a competition."

"Girl, it isn't just any type of competition," Neha snorts. "You won against those filthy men!"

"You know we can hear you, right?" Ali chirps out from the side. "Shut up!" Neha hisses, as Ali's face turns red and turns around to look at the men in desperation. We all then giggle to ourselves. "So, what are we going to order for dinner?" I whisper within the group so the defeated guys can't hear in our conversation.

Few minutes later, the girls have finally decided what we are going to order. The guys bombard us with questions, wondering what the actual hell we are going to eat for dinner, but we just simply ignore them as we walk towards the kitchen. I meet eyes with Akash, who has his arms crossed over his chest and his jaw is clenched, emphasizing his chiseled face. My mind fills up with how Akash dominated me right when we were leaving the theater, leaving me breathless and speechless. My heart hammers against my chest as I think about him, his hard body pressing into me, his breath tickling my skin, sending delicious shivers travelling down my spine.

I hastily push all inappropriate and unholy thoughts of Akash out of my mind as I join the girls by the kitchen. Ayushi quickly dials in the restaurant's number as the phone rings. The guys have situated themselves by the living room, still shaking their heads in defeat, as the rest of us giggle childishly.

Once we order our food, we all sit beside the boys in the living room as they plead for us to tell them what we ordered. "Relax, we didn't order anything revoking," I snort.

"That's not reassuring, though," Akash snorts. "Hell, for all I know, you guys probably ordered snails and frogs for us to eat."

"Um, are you out of your mind?" Neha retorts. "As if I would allow anyone, including me, to eat anything revolting like that." We girls snicker at Neha's response as the guys look at us painfully. "That's still not reassuring!" Ali complains.

"Oh, would you take a chill pill?" Neha yawns afterwards, sitting on the sofa. I sit on the ground right in front of Akash with my legs crossed as he eyes me angrily. I just simply shrug nonchalantly as he continues to shoot daggers at me. "I promise you, the food we ordered was simply fantastic."

"I sure hope so," Manav replies. "That whole competition sucked the entire life out of me."

"Just like Ayushi would!" Ali screeches, implying the sexual innuendo. Everyone except Akash, Ayushi, Manav, and I laugh, since we seem to be the only ones aware of their awkward situation. Manav and Ayushi exchange unreadable glances as I look at Akash suggestively. He frowns at me, indicating that he is well aware of how awkward this dinner was going to be. Although, I got to admit... that sexual innuendo was perfect, regardless of their situation!

Ayushi awkwardly clears her throat. "So... we have a helicopter tour coming up!"

"Yes, we do!" Manav interjects, causing Ayushi to roll her eyes at him. "It is going to be so fun, so when dinner comes, make sure to eat plenty of food so we can just enjoy our night!"

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