ch. 14 ✰ relationship drama with the gang

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I wake up the very next morning, and I dreadfully get up with a groggy feeling running through my entire body. A fresh glass of water sits beside me on my nightstand as I grudgingly grab it and a pain killer pill. I used to get massive hangovers, but since I am now used to getting drunk, the hangovers have kind of eased up for me.

Pressing the glass to my lips once I place the pill on my tongue, I gulp down a handful of water and immediately start to feel my mind stop wavering around hazily. A refreshing feeling settles in my body as I smile to myself. Damn, I'm already starting to feel better.

I pull out my phone next to me and look at the time, which it is 9 am currently. Ayushi told us last night before we arrived at the villa that we can sleep in today because we are not going to do any activities in the morning, so we can relax. But then, at nighttime we are going to go on a helicopter tour, which shows the beautiful sceneries and overview of Costa Rica, and I am honestly stoked for it.

My feet land on the hardwood floor as I yawn exhaustedly. I don't want to sleep in too much because I still want to get acquainted with Ayushi's villa and the people that live here as well. So, after I quickly brush my teeth and shower, wearing loose grey shorts and a black tank top, and as I reach the stairway that leads downstairs, I see Ayushi and Manav in the kitchen from my point of view. I think at first that they are just having a normal conversation, but it seems to me, more that I hear them talking, that this is anything but a normal conversation.

Manav has his back to me and I see him talking in a low tone to her, and Ayushi has her arms crossed in front of her chest as she seems to be glaring at him. Are they arguing?

I lean against the wall so I can eavesdrop. The stairway that is right next to my feet has secluded walls surrounding it, so this is basically perfect for me to eavesdrop because not only does it not blow my cover, but I can also hear pretty clearly as well.

As I hear harsh words coming out of Ayushi and Manav, I think to myself that I always thought that Ayushi and Manav were the golden couple that could never argue but turns out that even the most perfect couples out there have disagreements.

"—I told you many times, babe, I swear I don't mean to do it on purpose," Manav speaks in a hushed tone to Ayushi. "You are overthinking right now."

"You have no right to tell me that I'm overthinking!" Ayushi hisses at him. "We are only two days into vacation, and you are already getting on my nerves."

"What exactly am I doing that's making me get on your nerves?" Manav questions. "Please enlighten me."

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you?" she groans. "First of all, you always interrupt me whenever we speak with the others! It's like you don't want me talking in the first place. And second of all... you've barely been opening up to me or talking to me in general. And the only time you've interacted with me was when we had sex last night, and we were drunk!"

"Gosh, Ayushi," Manav slaps his forehead in frustration. "Do you know what bullshit you're speaking right now? I don't mean to interrupt you! I just speak whenever I want to, like, it's America... freedom of speech!"

"That's not my point," she glares at him. "My point is that I am trying to fix our issues right now before everything goes to shit. Hell, I'm not even married to you yet and we're already having issues."

"These issues that you're speaking of are nonexistent," he retorts. "It's all make believe because you want to start shit with me for no goddamn reason!"

"Shut the hell up!" she yells in frustration.

I raise my eyebrows in shock. This argument is really out of nowhere, and I never ever thought Ayushi and Manav were one to argue like this. When I first met them, they seemed to be so in love with each other, kissing each other so passionately when I arrived at the doorstop of Ayushi's villa and being fond of each other's company in general. But as I hear them arguing back and forth, spitting insults at each other... well, let's just say that my viewpoint of them has changed.

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