ch. 41 ✰ starting a new life

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present time...

I love you.

The haunting words echo into my mind, and I stare at Akash, completely flabbergasted. My hands start to tremble by my side as my mind wracks around in frustration. I honestly have no idea what to think, but all that runs into my mind is complete static because I am full blown speechless.

"You... what?" I hiss, looking into his eyes as I try to find some sense in them.

Akash takes a deep breath, his tired blue eyes boring into mine. He looks like he hasn't gotten sleep ever since we left from Costa Rica, considering the massive eye bags etched below his eyes and his messy hair sprawling into his face. "I have been thinking to myself for the past few days, trying to figure out what exactly I'm thinking, and then I finally realized that I love you, Reeya."

"How..." I gulp, and I cock my head. "How the fuck do you love me? We've only known each other for less than a fucking month!"

"I don't care about that, babe." His hand comes out to caress mine, but I quickly swat it away, fury fueling in my veins. "Don't touch me!" I snarl. "I cannot believe you have the actual audacity to show up here in the middle of the night and randomly confess your so-called feelings to me, but this time saying that you love me! Are you out of your freaking mind? And how the hell do you know where I live?"

"Because I want you back so badly," he breathes out, completely discerning my question about how his stalker ass found my address. "And I know you weren't mine before, but I want to make you mine. I am well aware of my mistakes, and I am super sorry that I treated you like shit in Costa Rica. I have learned to become a better person, and I hope to be a good boyfriend too, if you allow me."

"Are you insane?" I narrow my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "I have told you countless of times that in order to become my boyfriend you need to open up to me, which clearly you are not willing to do. So, this is the end of our conversation. Goodbye, and I never wish to see you again." I roll my eyes and step back into the door, trying to slam it shut, but his foot wedges in between.

"Wait, please, Reeya," he pleads, his weary eyes fixated on me. "Please just hear me out. I am trying to open up, but there's something in me that stops me from even saying anything in the first place. Just please try it out with me. Or can we at least be friends? I don't think I'll be able to stay away from you," he rambles.

Some sort of sympathy forms in my mind, but I quickly brush it away. I don't care if Akash and I had history or a nice romantic trip together in Costa Rica. I just don't want myself to get hurt again, because not only am I not aware of what he's capable of, but I'm also not aware of what I'm capable of. And that shit freaks me out.

"Well," I gulp, pressing my lips together. "You're gonna have to stay away from me now, whether you like it or not." And before he can say anything, I slam the door in his face. My heart starts to crack like a broken vase when I hear muffled sobs erupting behind the door, and my face drowns in tears as well.

I sink down the door, my back colliding with the wooden door as I crouch my knees up to my chest, huddling into a ball. My messy bun soon starts to unravel, making some strands of hair spill into my face. I annoyingly yank it out, letting my hair fall down to my shoulders as I sob loudly, feeling the hot tears sizzle onto my skin.

Few moments later, the sobbing from the outside soon dissipates, and mine does as well, leaving me with uneasy silence. I hear the honks and horns of the outside every now and then, and I have to constantly remind myself that I am not in Costa Rica anymore, where I didn't have reality to worry about. But now that I'm back here in New York, that means I have to deal with reality now. Reality meaning Chelsea and Nick, finding a job, my parents, and Akash as well.

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