ch. 13 ✰ the deja vu situation

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There is a hazy light wavering in my vision as I gradually open my eyes. I feel so groggy and drained out, as if I had just ran a three-mile marathon. As I try to regain my conscious and figure out why the hell I am feeling so terrible, I hear someone indistinctively talking in the background. Once my vision gets back to normal, I see a tall man pacing back and forth as he mutters to himself. I make out the man is Akash, and he seems like he's literally about to burst out due to an infinite amount of stress he's tailing on himself.

Everything starts to flood into my mind, and I realize that I fucking blacked out. I notice that I am laying on this black leather couch in this tiny and private room, which I'm guessing is a room in the secluded hallway Akash and I were in before my mind went to haze. Muffled music plays in the background as I take in my surroundings. The room is lightly dimmed with a warm, yellow light illuminating the area, and there is a full body mirror settled in the corner. Other than that, the room is quite empty, with a light gray carpet covering the area and dark walls with various neon lights running on the top perimeter of it.

I settle my feet onto the fuzzy feeling carpet as I gulp to myself. I think I can get up, right? Once I grab onto the leather couch's arms, I plunge myself forward, groaning to myself. But unfortunately, that just makes my feet wobbly as I crash onto the ground. With that impact itself, Akash turns around with an annoyed expression on his face, which turns into a shocked expression. And so, he stumbles forward as he struggles to lift me off the ground.

"Are you fucking stupid?" he mumbles to me as his large hands wrap around my arms, helping me get up. "I was just trying to walk," I slur out with a frown placed on my face. He groans to himself and lifts me up on the couch. I then lay across the couch as a searing pain shoots across my temple. "Jesus Christ," I mutter to myself.

"That's what happens when you drink a whole lot of tequila," Akash scolds. I frown at him. "Who are you, my dad?"

He rolls his eyes. "Enough of the chitter chatter. You should be thanking me for helping you once you blacked the hell out. I could've just left you laying there on the ground, but I didn't."

I sigh. "Thank you, I guess."

"What was that?" he immediately responds with an annoying smirk growing on his lips.

"I said, thank you!" I snarl. He scoffs, chuckling to himself. "I'm serious, though. You shouldn't have been drinking that much in the first place."

"Well, I guess I got carried away," I retort.

"That's not okay," he glares at me. "You're an adult, Reeya. You should take care of yourself."

"I am," I narrow my eyes at him. "I just blacked out, alright?"

He takes a deep breath and kneels beside me on the couch. My head is laying against the arm of the couch as I turn towards him. His warm blue eyes look at me as if he's trying to figure out me and my presence. I feel butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as his eyes fall on my face. There is a silence placed around the room and the only noise that I can hear is the club music roaring in the background and my heart thudding against my chest to the point where I think it's going to jump out of my throat.

Akash continues looking at me, and I don't know whether it's because he's disappointed in me, or for... other various reasons. I clear my throat uncomfortably. "So... what time is it?"

He snaps out his trance and bites his lip. "I think it's around 3am."

"Seriously?" I shriek. He nods his head. I run my fingers through my hair. "So, you're telling me I blacked out for two whole hours?"

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