ch. 33 ✰ the power duo

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I brush my hair and thread it into a loose braid, letting a few strands frame my angular face. The mirror in front of me shows my reflection, and I stand in front of it, judging and perceiving my look. I'm wearing a jet black tank top—which is also a crop top—that curves around my cleavage, and on the bottom, a pair of pants that flare out on the bottom fit loosely around my calves and curve tightly around my butt to make my hips look basically like an hourglass. A pair of small golden hoops are shown ardently around my ears, and I wear small strappy heels on my feet.

Moving onto my face now. I make sure everything looks great, especially my makeup. I specifically didn't wear much makeup, so I only applied concealer and mascara, alongside with a little bit of lip gloss. My look is going to extremely natural, and I don't even feel like putting on much makeup anyway. Finally, my nervous light brown eyes look back at me in the mirror, racing back and forth as thoughts start to form in my mind.

Why am I being so insecure all of a sudden? I think to myself. I've never been insecure in a while! And this is just going to be a normal day, no biggie!

Oh, little does my mind know, because I am about to go on a date with Akash. And it isn't just any ordinary date.

When he asked me this morning, I was practically speechless. I blinked at him dumbfoundedly, and he blinked back, completely confused about my facial expression. What made me even more flabbergasted was the fact that he didn't even ask me on a date... he literally just demanded that we are going on a date. Ah, classic Akash. Finally, few moments later, I had agreed, and then he told me what our date was going to consist of.

First, we are going to on a cruise to Playa del Coco, which is a very popular and famous beach located near the west coast of Costa Rica. San José is located near the center of Costa Rica, so we're going to have to go on a cruise docked near the southern coast, and then we're going to go on an overnight cruise which Akash had explained to me is a very prestigious and high-class cruise necessitating various different activities to do on there.

Afterwards, we will be docking onto Playa del Coco, and spend the entire day and night there. He had also mentioned that there is a major music festival occurring that night, so we will be spending our time there and basically have a prodigious time. And ultimately, he had rented a fancy motel for us, right by the beach, so we can stay there after we come back from the festival.

Sometimes I do despise Akash, yes, but this date that he had come up with? I'll have to admit... this man sure does come up with a very spectacular date.

The time on my phone reads to be 2:05pm, and I curse to myself. Shit! The cruise leaves in two hours, and we have to leave by 2:10pm!

I quickly look at myself again, making sure that I look hot and ready to go on this two-day date with Akash, and grab my small black purse that slings on my shoulder and dangles all the way down to my hip. Then, I grab a small suitcase that I had put inside my larger suitcase that I brought here, and that small suitcase basically consists of my clothes and materials I'm going to need for the next two days.

Once I locked my room up and made sure everything was good to go, I trample down the stairs, hearing my heels click and clack against the marble flooring. And then, I see Akash standing by the main lobby.

All I got to say is... whoa.

He is leaning against the column adjacent to the huge double doors, his left leg propped against the butt of it, and his chin is tucked into his neck as his eyes swarm around on the floor. Akash's arms are crossed in front of his chest, his biceps bulging from the loose tan-colored collared shirt that fits snugly against his muscular body, and it reveals a bit of hard chest as well. Furthermore, on the bottom he is wearing an off-white pair of jeans that are cuffed near his ankles, and then he is also wearing a pair of sneakers that look pretty expensive.

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