ch. 47 ✰ can't get enough

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I stir awake in an unfamiliar bed, my eyes fluttering open to see that I am currently wrapped up around Akash's body. We are tangled together underneath the sheets, our bodies pressing against each other in multiple places. I find my fingers tangled in his hair, and his arms are wrapped around my waist as he snores quietly. I can't help but smile at how adorable he looks in his sleep; his eyes are snapped shut and his full lips are slightly parted as tiny snores erupt out of him.

Last night was amazing, and I honestly would not trade it for anything else. I am still pretty shocked about Akash's past, considering how tragic his father's death was and how unfortunate his mother's condition is, but what I can't seem to wrap my mind around is how the actual hell he was able to go through all of that, especially as a teenager. It must have been pretty difficult to go through all of that, and the fact that he is standing on his own two feet, like the strong and independent man he is... it makes me feel proud, and I feel so amazing about the fact that Akash and I are better than ever.

I crane my neck around to get a look at his bedroom, since I really wasn't able to last night because I was apparently too busy getting ravished by him. Sighing, I look over at the dresser and see various pictures placed at the top of the dresser, framed and displayed to the others. From this distance I can't really see what or who the pictures contain of, but I'm assuming at least one of them consist of his parents. Then, my eyes travel towards the door that is open, revealing a long and lanky hallway that leads to the living room. As I continue to study my surroundings, a really annoying voice in my mind just can't seem to stop screaming that I am in Akash's apartment.

My thoughts suddenly get interrupted as Akash whispers into my ear, "Bueno dias, mi amor." A grin approaches on my lips as I crane my neck back towards a cheesing Akash, his messy hair sprawled around his head and his very kissable lips right in front of me. So, I immediately go and press a soft kiss on his lips. "And you speak Spanish too? Wow, as if you could not get any sexier."

"Sorry to break it to you, babe, but that's the only phrase I can speak in Spanish," Akash smirks, lifting both of his hands up to cup my face. "Am I still sexy to you though?" he pouts playfully.

I let out a laugh, observing his adorable expression. "Always." He smiles back in return and goes to tap my nose with his finger. "You know, I don't think I've told you, but I love that nose ring on you."

"Oh, really?" I blush, unconsciously going up to touch it. "I've had a nose ring since I was a kid, so I hoped that you would like it."

"Well, I do," he grins. "It looks wonderful on you."

"Wow," I grin back, pulling the comforter up around the both of us. "Since when did you get so nice? The Akash I knew in Costa Rica would never compliment me this much."

"Yeah, because the Akash back then had no balls to tell you that he liked you," he muses.

"Wait," I farrow my brows. "Since when did you like me?"

"Well, I don't really know, exactly," he sighs, thinking to himself. "I was attracted to you from the start, even though our first encounter wasn't very ideal." I snort, having flashbacks to when I elegantly poured my drink onto his head. "And it wasn't hard getting feelings for you anyways because you're fine as hell," he sniggers. "But overall, I actually started to realize it towards the second week of the trip, and you know the rest afterwards." I smile, nodding my head.

This time, he looks at me confused. "And since when did you like me?" I wince, looking at him playfully. "Well, if you want me to be honest, I started to gain feelings for you when we were at the club, the second club we went to." He raises his eyebrows, his eyes widened. "Wait, seriously?"

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