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"HEY! HEY! H-" Bokuto was cut off by Daichi's glare from across the ship "Bokuto for the hundredth time stop yelling." He said in a warning voice. bokuto bowed his head. "Sorry, sorry."

Kuroo just snickered at him earning a glare from bokuto now.

"Look Bo." Kuroo pointed out to the water and bokuto came over to see what he was looking at. He was mesmerized with how pretty the water looked now, it was sparkling from the sun, but he soon noticed what kurro was pointing at. Pretty little fish swimming.

Kuroo P.O.V

Bokuto seemed to love looking at fish just as much as he loved owls so I let him know there were a few over here near the ship. He was so mesmerized by the water at first but then he became even happier with seeing the fish. "Bro?" I said getting his attention slowly. "Mm?" He said looking up from the water. "What's so interesting about the fish?"

He looked at me like I forgot what 2+2 was...which I totally remember by the way! "Isn't it obvious it calms him down, guess that means its peaceful, huh?" A sudden voice spoke that I soon realized belong to Iwaizumi. "He isn't yelling anymore now is he?" He said taking a seat in a chair. Smart ass. "Well he isn't wrong, I guess they're just so pretty and enchanting, it makes me feel at ease."

I sighed. "Makes since." The water is calming and the fish swimming around is satisfying in a way, all in all it's really relaxing. Bo wasn't looking at the water anymore guess the fish swam away. "Brooooooo." He stretched the word I just looked at him raising an eyebrow with a small smile waiting for him to speak. "I'm bored." Of course.

Daichi P.O.V

I took a little nap before waking up to inhuman noises. I looked in the direction where the noise is coming from and...it's just bokuto making noises at the water, Kuroo prancing around while laughing , and Iwaizumi screaming at them to 'shut up' and 'stop being loud' geez it was all annoying. I sit up and look up at the sky that was so cloudy and grey, its gonna rain sooner or later.

"Hey guys." I said once nobody listens. "GUYS." I shout they grow quiet with fear all over their faces that's better I guess "Stop being so damn loud....Also its gonna rain...so we should probably go to the room soon, ok?" I say in a very serious tone so they'd obey properly.

I mean I don't wanna have to be serious on this little trip that's suppose to be fun, but they're a bunch of kids excluding Iwa. Kuroo has his moments but bokuto was full on child some times. "Yes sir." They say in unison.

"That was scary." Bokuto mumbled Kuroo put his hands on his hips and smirked which made bokuto smile for some reason ,couldn't be a good reason I thought. Iwa had already left so I just followed not wanting to get in the way of whatever they're about to do.

Bokuto P.O.V

"Stupid." Kuroo said before laughing at me a little.


"I'm bored." I explained to Kuroo, who just smirked amused for some reason. He needs to stop smirking so much, it's to much for my eyes, he's so rated r.

"What am I suppose to do about that?" He asked putting one hand on his hip sassy much..."Come on dude let's play with the ball or something." I say throwing my hands in the air dramatically "Lets play catch so if you fail to catch the ball that's a point for me or if I fail to catch it, it's your point."

Kuroo sat there and debated it before agreeing to play with me which turned upside down real quick. We were throwing the ball back and forward, when Kuroo missed the ball I celebrated of course "Hey, hey....hey..." I noticed it flew right into Iwa's face oops. Oh boy was he pissed, he took the ball and spiked it right into the ocean, and walked right over to me slowly and aggressively.

Kuroo got in front of me stopping Iwa. "Hajime calm down bro, it was an accident, no need to get upset man, I mean you don't want Daichi waking up right? He'd be extremely angry if we got into an argument or worse a fight." Kuroo sounded so convincing trying to protect me. "Yea sorry dude...I didn't mean to..." I gave a sincere apology

He was glaring daggers at me then...he spoke..."Don't let it happen again or you're dead." He walked away and sat down reading something. "Bro." I said wiping away a fake tear, he then pats my back "Bro." He said back just as dramatic as me then the silence came.

"Our ball though." Kuroo said pouty like with a sigh "Maybe a fish will bring it back." I said with hope, Kuroo just shook his head with a giggle.

"That's stupid and impos-" I cut him off. "I can talk to fish." He held in a laugh from what I said "R-really no-now?" He said trying to keep his self together "Yes." I turn to the water and made weird little noises that gradually got louder and Kuroo couldn't take it anymore he busted into laughter and began prancing around me trying to control himself.

Iwaizumi began yelling at us but I was to determined, Kuroo was so far gone laughing crazily and crying. "SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY! YOU'RE LOUD!!" Iwa said- wait I mean screamed. No you're loud I thought, theeeeen Diachi woke up.

End flashback

"Come on bo, let's go in, its starting to thunder." Kuroo says hearing the loud, aggressive sounds coming from the sky.
"All right." I say and follow him to the room.

Sorry for any mistakes made.

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