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"You never had pudding before!?" Kuroo shouted in horror, oikawa shook his head, ready to learn of this 'Pudding'. "It's really good!" Kuroo explained making oikawa super excited. "Do you have ANY!?" He asked about to jump out of the water but kenma held him down by the waist.

Kenma P.O.V
I'm ready to goooooooooo, vdgfwj, I'm sick of talking about pUdDiNg. Oikawa is trying to get out of the water subconsciously and it's annoying. The iwaizumi person is alright. I have nothing to say about the hot one. "Tooru...I'm ready to go." I mumbled turning around. "Whaaa- but you gotta meet the other's. Iwa!" Oikawa said grabbing me, pointing ahead and iwaizumi was gone,
on Oikawa's demand.

"Soo. Where ya live or stay, at the moment?" The boy asked, me and Oikawa shared a look and ignored him. "Rude. Oh I forgot to introduce myself! Tetsurou Kuroo." He said smirking, running his fingers through his hair, I can't lie, he's attractive. I blush and look away. "Kozume Kenma." Oikawa smiles and copies what kuroo did. Excellent. "The names Oikawa. Tooru Oikawa." I laughed inwardly at that.

"Cute names." Kuroo said leaning back on his elbows. "You thought that was a cute name, wait till you meet Akaashi." Oikawa said ducking under the water and he was gone. SHIT! Now I have to speak. "Kenma, don't you wanna get out the water?" Kuroo asked, I shook my head, he just smiled at me causing me to blush again. "You antisocial? Or just shy?" He asked, trying to read me, I guess. At first I didn't won't to reply but I thought about it before saying. "Both."

We stayed quiet until the others returned talking loudly, causing me to shake and fidget. I'm here alone with 2 strangers and 2 acquaintance- where's Oikawa!? "Hey, guys calm down. Human cat in the water. You're gonna scare it away." Kuroo said winking at me. Cat?
The other's grew quiet and approached me slowly, this felt a little better...but it's still uncomfortable. I wanna die.

Oikawa P.O.V
I found Akaashi on my way back to the island with Sugawara. I told them I wanted them to meet some people, they agreed fortunately. "Where's kenma?" Suga asked unfortunately. Uh oh I forgot about him! "At the Island...with the others.." Sugawara glared at me before saying. "You know he's a antisocial disaster, how could you leave him alone?" Then he was gone.

I pout, why am I always getting scolded? Me and akaashi soon swim off to the island.

Akaashi was acting weird for some reason suga was on guard kenma looked just about dead, and I'm always. "Akaashi come here, don't be shy.~" I pull him over and he was almost a disaster, on reflex and habit he almost jumped out of the water.

Why's he so nervous..."Agash." A very buff looking boy said. Yea, that's not his name. "I'm Oikawa." He smiled at me, I love his eye's, very animal like and gold like treasure.

"My name is Bokuto!" Akaashi was blushing dangerously hard. "Iwa-chan." He looks at me and I swim along side the rocks making sure not to show my tail, he follows.

"What's up shittykawa?" Iwaizumi asked sitting down on the sand. "Please don't call me that. You're hurting my feelings." I whine crossing my arms. He just smirked at me! Why do I love him.~ "Anyways I just wanted to be alone with you." I admit shyly, blushing with a small smile. Iwa-chan must have liked what I said cause he also began blushing with a not so visible smile but it was there.

"H-hey let's play a game!" I say throwing my fist in the air.

Daichi P.O.V
"Sugawara." I say remembering his name and sure enough I was correct cause he looked at me. "Yes?" He says with his hazel brown eyes shining and sparkling like the ocean. "U-um I'm D-daichi." I stutter out with a blush on my face. "Nice to meet you." Suga began smiling then he bowed his head. "Thi-this is kuroo and that's..." Why is bokuto and that akaashi fellow giving each other googly eyes. "Do you know each other?" Kuroo asked with a hint of jealousy in his tone.

They both nod. Ooh. "So that's who you were-" Suga was cut off by akaashi. "Yea." He said quickly fidgeting with his fingers. "Akaashi is a cute name." Kuroo said sounding like he didn't mean it. Oh God it's starting.

Kuroo P.O.V
No way is he gonna have my bo, I look at him in an unhappy way, Akaashi began fidgeting nervously. "Hey stop that!" Daichi and sugawara yelled at me. I looked away from him with a smirk. "What did I do wrong?" I ask getting up, suga was glaring daggers at me. Damn pretty got ugly fast. Daichi punched me in the back. "Ouch! What was that for!?" I shout in agony. "Stop with the faces, you're upsetting them!" He said, so? I mischievously stroll off to where kenma was and he was away from every one. I sneak up on him and scare him unintentionally....ok it was intentional.

"Boo." I say sitting behind him he turns around quickly splashing water on me. He looked so frightened, why so scared little kitty? "Hi." Kenma said before sinking into the water. "Why don't you get out of the water?" I ask patting the area next to me, he shook his head vigorously. "I can't." I was confused. Why? "Do you need help?" I ask about to get in the water but was stopped by him yelling.

"NO, IT'S FINE!" So I backed off, I didn't ask again. "Sorry." We just spent the moment looking out at the water in an awkward silence.

Akaashi P.O.V
Kuroo doesn't like me, why!? Kuroo and bokuto are close, that mean bokuto will stop hanging around me because kuroo doesn't like me- "AgaAshee?" Who the hell is that-wait that's me. "Huh?" I respond to bokuto calling my 'name'. "Sorry, about that, he does that to anyone who wants to be friends with me." Bokuto said laughing nervously. "Why?" I had to know why, I don't know why, but I had to know. "It's a bro thing." He said simply, shrugging. WHAT? "What does that-" Me and suga were cut off by daichi. "Don't even ask." He said shaking his head.

Guess I won't ask or find out.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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