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Bokuto P.O.V

I started telling them the story from the beginning and the main topic was Makki. "What do you guys think hanamaki wanted to do?" I asked. Matsukawa hummed. "Start some kinda musical performance, forcing everyone to sing with him." The accuracy of that sentence. "Regular makki stuff." Oikawa mumbled, I don't know what he meant by that, but he wasn't lying.

"Didn't he get inside one of those toy cars?" Iwaizumi asked. I laughed and nodded.

"No thank you! I wanna knock everything off the shelves. Then maybe, oH- then maybe drive the toy vehicle through the store singing, I will have back up singers!" Hanamaki said with determination.

"Why- just why." Someone said from behind us. "Kyotani!" Makki chirped, me and Kuroo turned around to look at him. "Hey mad dog...wait." Shit. He works here doing the seasonal thing, someone probably already complained. "Uh, can you guys like I don't know, GeT the FUCK out? I'm sick of these ugly ass customers coming up to me saying there's dumbasses doing stupid shit. Like the fucking ball pit."

"How- rude. We're not dumb...and what we're doing isn't stupid." I say through gritted teeth.

"Is this terrible customer service I see?" Kuroo asked jokingly.

"Mad dog, can you just do us a favor, we need to get some stuff done so- please don't kick us out yet!" Makki begged. "I don't even fucking care anymore, I'm so through with this God damn job, bye sluts." He said walking away. Kuroo laughed lightly.

"Alright hurry do what you wanted to do, Kuroo go get the milk." Kuroo saluted and ran away with the buggy. "I'll help you get the car queen." I say to makki running to the toy section, him right behind me on the bike.

When we reached the toys, I looked for the best car to match makki, though he wouldn't be able to fit in it all the way. "I want the pink one!" He shouts pointing at the Jeep. "As you wish." I say about to get it, but he shouted again. "Never mind, I like this one!" I turned around and looked at the car he got down.

It was a big car, I'm sure he'll fit. It was a big white Jeep, way bigger than the pink one. "Niiiice, where did you find it?" I asked and he just pointed to the aisle we're on as he got in. He got a point. "I'm about to convert some people!"

"Doesn't that car need batteries?" I asked tilting my head, he shrugged and pressed the petal thing and the car moved. I guess not. He began slamming his hand on the horn. "Byyye hoooe!" He says driving off.

I'm a slut and a hoe. Beautiful.

Few seconds later kuroo came back with the milk and more cereal. "I got 4 jugs of milk cause we're gonna actually need milk to eat the cereal at home." I nodded, and took a jug, opening it, pouring it down the boys toy section. Kuroo followed with the cereal pouring it down the milk, making sure not to step in it.

"Eeee-" Someone screamed. "What the heck-" They say. I look up seeing Hinata, who climbed up the shelf. "Hey shrimpy." Kuroo says. "Hey Hinata!" I say back cheerfully. "Ugh- hey. What are you doing?" He asked getting down on the other side of the milk. "Making a mess obviously." Kuroo says pouring the rest of the fruit loops out.

"Right? Me and Yamaguchi are looking for Tendou, you haven't seen him have you?" He asked walking even further away as the milk began to spread.

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