So no head?

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Oikawa P.O.V

When Sugawara left to find Kenma, everybody decided to go to sleep or back to sleep. Me and Akaashi saw that Kuroo and Bokuto hug when they sleep- which is cute!! Anyways, Me and Akaashi tried it.....and it's extremely comfortable, I love it! Me and Iwa-chan have to do this.

I was the last one up, so I decided to just go back to sleep, I was abnormally tired. My plan was ruined when someone yanked my tail- uGh RuDe! "Oh my god, what the fuck man!"

when I turned to see who it was disturbing me.

All my anger turned into awkward happiness, It was just Iwa-chan, his face was half way in the water. Since I slept in shallow water, everyone was mostly likely gonna mess with me. I sit up, my head now above water. "Mm?"

Iwa-chan had yawned and rubbed his eyes, before saying "Please don't go back to sleep-" Aww. "You sleep sing and you're making everyone sleepy!" Oh yea....You can hear us singing under water....I didn't even know I did that. "I'm sorry iwa-chan, but did you like it? What am I talking about- of course you liked it!" Iwa-chan then gave me a very nasty look before walking away.

So I didn't sound great? Impossible! "You sounded great." Akaashi said patting my head. When did he even get here!? "Thanks Akaashi." We love nice Akaashi just as much as the savage one.

Akaashi gave me a light smile and- not leaving? "Why are you still here? NOTHING MEAN OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT! You just usually leave after you complete a mission..." I squint my eyes at him. "Did you wanna spend time with me today? Who wouldn't though.~"

"A lot of people actually....and merfolk." Akaashi said, giving me a thumbs up. Ok, I'm offended. "Ok...then what?" I asked just annoyed with him now. "My tail, I'm just waiting here until it stops being annoying." We sat there for about 5 seconds, when we heard Bokuto screaming on the other side of the island, we jolted. "AHGKAAASHI!!!" That was very disturbing.

Akaashi immediately tried to leave, but I grabbed him. "No way, you just said your tail hurted, keep going against it and you won't be able to use it at all." I say, staring deep into his eyes, he began sweating. "But he needs me." He said, almost as if he was whining?!

"Hey- you don't see me leaving everytime Iwa-chan needs me!"

"You're right, that's because you're always gone before we can notice...or it's the fact that it's you that always needs him, and he wants nothing to do with you."

"I hope your tail falls off." I glare at him and he glares back.

Akaashi P.O.V

Ok that was...pretty mean of me to say...he was just concerned. "...Sorry, that was rude. I won't leave." I say and he smiles. "I don't really want your tail to fall off." He says rubbing the back of his head. I nod, understanding.


"Alright, I'mma head out." I say getting ready to leave.

"What the fuck Akaashi."

I laugh, before officially leaving him alone. I swim through the pain to heed Bokuto-san. "Agash!" What the hell does that even mean! You said it right the last time!! "Yes...Bokuto-san?"

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