Im not PLAYING these games!

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Simon says didn't last very long, cause it soon turned into bets. So everytime one of them failed to win a bet they had to do what the other person says and if they were to do what the person says then the other person has to do what they say.

"Ok bokuto, I bet you can't jump off that tree without breaking any of your bones." Iwaizumi said out of breath from swimming two laps and running laps across the island. Kuroo layed across a rock tired from climbing trees and running around like a mad man. "Damn iiiiit!~" Bokuto whined dragging himself over to the tree, tired and sore. He began climbing but not all the way up, he then jumped down and layed on his stomach. Iwaizumi was about to say something but bokuto cut him off with a huff. "You didn't say I had to climb all the way up."

Bokuto P.O.V

I roll over onto my back exhausted. Hajime is a pain in the ass! I'm starting to think he's trying to kill me. "Ok my turn. Iwa you have to...drink the sea water. Bye." He glared at me before hoping in the water and taking a sip, fair enough. He got out and sat down. "I get the feeling you're trying to kill me." Iwaizumi says, looking me dead in the eyes, scary. "I was thinking the same thing." I say sitting up. "A-alright you two...I bet you can't cartwheel all the way down there to that rock and back. If you can, you choose my penalty." Kuroo says pointing straight ahead. Geez. Does he not know we're dying? "Kuroo, I don't want too!!" I protest, balling my fist up and shake it at him.

"Alright, I'll change it. Crawl backwards all the way to the rock. If there are no more objections, you may now crawl away." He says shooing us away. I get on my hands and knees with iwa and we start crawling backwards not racing each other since it's not a race. "Man my body hurts." I whine and Iwa nodded his head in agreement.

3rd person

After playing this 'game' they all layed in one spot sprawled across the sand. It soon began raining and bokuto started laughing, joined by Iwaizumi.

Bokuto began petting kuroo on the head, snickering. " almost killed me! It's not funny!" Kuroo hissed at the two who were laughing. "Yea, yea, it was an accident." Said iwa. "You weren't trying to hold your breath under water. So we figured we better help you out. Sorry bro!" Bokuto said genuinely sorry.
"You didn't have to hold my head under the water though!! You completely forgot that I was under there!" Iwa and bokuto bowed their heads, laughing still. "I mean, you made me eat sand." Said bokuto shrugging. "You made me eat bark off a tree." Said iwaizumi also shrugging. "Oh man you're right, that so equals up to you guys trying to drown me." Kuroo said before he threw sand on the both of them. The one and only Daichi returned

with lots of fruit in shirts that he used as a bag. "What have you guys been doing since I was gone?" He asked sitting down examining them. They were all dirty and bruised, they were a mess.

They looked over at daichi and said-

"Staying alive."

It's short again but next one will be longer, thanks for reading!

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