Why are you crying? cOs iss DrOwNiNg

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"A cry baby just like your captain I see." Yahaba heard tsukishima say, which made him feel worse.

Yahaba took a few deep breaths trying to collect himself. 'I can do this- calm down' he repeated to himself so he'd stop crying. "Are you ok? You're obviously not but...yea." Nishinoya asked worried for the brunette. Yahaba nodded. "Are you sure? You know you shouldn't keep that to yourself..." Kiyoko says moving her hair out of her face.

"Yes I know- I know. It's nothing. I'm fine." Yahaba blurts out closing his eyes. "That's suicide, if something's bothering just spit it out." Tsukishima say genuinely worried now.

"God, leave me alone!" They got quiet so he'd settle down, cause if they kept pushing him, it wasn't gonna look good. "I- uh, I'm sure you'll get through it???? It's ok to cry just let it out....you'll feel better. Probably." Kageyama tried to comfort him, at his words Yahaba couldn't stop crying.

"It's...Kyoutani isn't it?" Yachi asked softy.

Narita P.O.V

This is upsetting, if it is Kyoutani then tsukishima definitely triggered this feeling. Who knows how long he's been keeping how he felt to himself.

Yahaba nodded slowly. What he needs is a hug...a long one. Nishinoya apparently had the same thought as me, cause he hugged him in an instant. "I cry some times too...when I think about Asahi not being able to be with me anymore, but sometimes I can smile and say he was the best and I'm gonna keep going for him, so we can meet again someday." Noya says which kinda made everyone pearl instead of smile.

But it really was heart warming. "Bro, that's so sad." Tanaka said hugging him and Yahaba who seemed to have calmed down a little. "It wasn't supposed to be though! I was tryna make him feel better."

"I think it kinda worked, I mean if you need to talk about it, Sugawara is good with this kinda stuff." I say, scratching my head.

"N-no I'm fine now. Maybe captain can help later. You guys just wait here I'll grab your captain. Just please stay here." We nodded and took a seat.

Yahaba P.O.V

I feel so bad like.....there's nothing for me to live for like this....damn I hate Tsukishima. I swim up above water seeing everyone laying down, the humans were just watching from a far.

"Suga-sugawara-san your pod is waiting, I can't bring them up because of the problem." I say waving at everyone, my eyes were stinging. "Darling...your eyes are red." Oikawa says, he looked really worried right along with everyone else. "Oo-oh I'm fine! Just tired?" I looked away. "Um thank you, I hope they didn't cause you too much trouble." Sugawara said, crawling into the water rubbing my back.

"Nope...not at all." He smiled at me but he looked concerned. He soon dipped under water.

"Nice legs Yaku...."

Sugawara P.O.V

Yahaba was obviously pearling, I can't believe they had the AUDACITY to hurt his feelings. Ok, I only know one fish that would go as far as making someone cry. Tsukishima.

"Hey. I see I can't trust you guys to be left alone, I thought you were gonna be responsible- but I set my hopes a little bit too high. You guys really disappointed me. Also Yahaba, why was he crying?"

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