Maybe he's born with it

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Sugawara P.O.V

I'm not always worried about my kids, but when I'm not, I am.

I actually miss my kids that were in my sweet little pod. They're probably wreaking havoc all over the ocean floor! "Ocean to Koushi, you in there?" Oikawa says waving his hand in front of my face. "Yes, what is it?" I ask coming out of my thoughts. "I and kenma want to know what Akaashi's special ability is. Sooo." Oikawa says, putting his hands on my shoulders shaking me. Akaashi's power? "Does he even have one?" I ask, just as curious as them. "Suga doesn't know!!?" Oikawa shrieks.

"Why don't you just ask?" I suggested but their face scrunched up. "Akaashi is complicated to find and he loves secrets." Oikawa said, making me confused. "He won't tell us." Kenma simplified it. Ooh. "Then go spy on him? I don't know, I gotta find a way back to Atlantis. Cya." I say dashing off. No I'm not looking for Atlantis, I'm going to see Daichi.

Oikawa P.O.V

Mm, I don't wanna go back to Atlantis. I'm sick of Ushijima telling me to come to his pod. "You should have come to Shiratorizawa." Kenma said scaring me half to death. "Hey don't do that!" I say and you won't believe what he did... Yea he fucking laughed. "What gave you a spirit today?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows at him. Two wise men taught me that. "Nothing." He says, swimming off in loops. Ooooooh, I know those movements. "SOMEONE'S IN LOOOOVE!" I scream swimming behind him. "That's not it. Is it illegal for me to be happy?" He asks, annoyed with me already. "Aw kenma, of course not, you being happy about something is rare, I just wanted to know what's making our dear Kozume radiant.~"

Kenma couldn't hide the small smile forming on his lips. "Kuroo. Kuroo gave me a special piece of treasure. One of a kind." Kenma said covering his face, he was a blushing mess. There's more to it. Maybe I'll meddle later, right now, Akaashi is top priority. "Ok then, sir blush a lot." I tease, swimming off.

Later on during our search (I was doing the searching) we realized that Akaashi was no where to be found. We searched the ship, around the island, his favorite reef, and the 'aqua cluster' (it's just that spot where a lot of fish are) but no Akaashi.

"I have plans with Kuroo today." Kenma mumbles laying across a rock, looking like he was ready to be painted by the gods. I'm very jealous of some of his aspects, won't say that out loud. "Hey you think I'm pretty?" Kenma nods his head 'yes'. "Are you jealous of my beauty?" I ask, and he shakes his head 'no'. He can admit I'm pretty but he's not jealous of it. I'm mad. "Let's do this later, I need to get to Kuroo." Kenma say leaving immediately, not giving me any time to say anything.

I never seen him so-THIS before. Did he by any chance kiss kuroo...

Akaashi P.O.V

I was at the island with bokuto, just 'chillin'. I realized while I was here, that, bokuto isn't the smartest of people, but that's ok, I still love him. "Akaashi, do tiger fish look like tigers?" I look at him strangely. Did he really just ask me that? "Bokuto-san...I don't even know what that is, but tiger fish are ugly." Bokuto sits in confusion, struggling to think. "AHA! I have something. KUROO!" Bokuto had already told me everyone found out, it's completely fine with me, I was sick of hiding. Sadly I'm still uncomfortable around kuroo.

"What's up bro? Hey Akaashi." He says sitting down. I awkwardly wave at him. "I need my photo album." Bokuto says and kuroo left. "Kuroo isn't being a pain in the ass today! I think you're growing on him." Pain in the ass...kuroo-san. I like how it sounds. "I'm not growing on him bokuto...i'm right here." He laughed at me for a moment. "No, no, Akaashi, I meant he's starting to like you." OOH! Kuroo had come back with a red, plastic covered, thicc, square.

Bokuto took the thing from him and slammed it on the ground, I jolt slightly. "My bad Akaashi. This is a book, these are pages." He began flipping threw the pages, until he stopped on an orange, black and white creature. I was amazed, it look so...majestic. I loved it! I pulled my self out of the water slightly and before I knew It, I shape shifted into the creature. Though my colors didn't match the animal, I was happy with being able to do it so easily now.

"WHoooA, awesome!" Bokuto and kuroo said in awe. "He's an all black tiger now! That's so cool!! That's a cool- specialty!" Bokuto screeched, petting me "No, not really, all merfolk can do it." I lean into his touch.

"Still pretty cool, do an owl next!" Bokuto screamed with joy, flipping to a page of a winged animal. I smile and do as told. I turned into an owl, bokuto loved it. "Say 'who'." He says, holding me tight. "Who? Who? Whooo?" I say repeatedly, but I was confused as to why he wanted me to. "That's the sound an owl makes, Bo loves owls." Kuroo said winking at me. Ooh, make since now. "Whoo? Who, who, Hoot?" Me and bokuto chant together. After that I turn back into my original form.

Kuroo jumped up, frightening us. "What's wrong bro?" Bokuto asked, but kuroo ignored him. "Kenma!" He shouted, excited. What? Kenma's not here. Bokuto stood up with him too look out at the water, I turn around as well, too look out at the water. "Kuroo...what are you talking about? Kenma's not here?" Bokuto said confused. Kuroo didn't even glance at bokuto, or say anything.

Seconds past and you wouldn't believe who came out the water. That's right, Kenma Kozume. "Hey kitten." Kuroo said smirking at kenma, causing him to blush.

"Hey, hey, hey, Kuroo?" Bokuto said wanting his attention, yea, kuroo was ignoring him and it was pissing me off. "Kenma." I say in my usual soft voice. "Yea?" He asks looking over at me. "You didn't put some kinda spell on kuroo...did you?" I ask, squinting my eyes at him, he shakes his head. Then...what's wrong? We should probably go find suga, so he can see what's up. "Maybe somethings wrong, we should leave for today, kenma." I say grabbing his hand but he snatched it away.

"I want to be with kuroo, Don't interfere. Akaashi." Kenma said in a very frightening tone. I back away, doing as told. He then pulls kuroo into the water and leaves.

"Akaashi...what's wrong with them? Did kenma force kuroo to stop talking to me? Is kuroo gonna die?" Bokuto asked, sadly, breaking my heart. They are gonna die for this. "No, he's alright bokuto-san. Don't worry, I'll fix this." I reassure him, but he still looks upset.

"Hey, hey....hey?" I say, remembering, he says that a lot. He smiles at me a little. "Hoot." I say and-YES THERE IT IS, THAT SMILE!! Victory! (You so fuckin precious when you smile.🌸🌸)

"Thanks Keiji. Hoot." He say rubbing my head, all the way to my neck, cupping my face now. "Any time...Koutarou.....hoot." I lean in to close the gap between us, but was interrupted by someone.

Thanks for reading! 🌺🌺
Sorry for mistakes.🐨

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