#9 : Smitten

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Raghav's POV

We go together
Better than birds of a feather, you and me
We change the weather, yeah
I'm feeling heat in December when you're 'round me

Bala walked into our cubicle where we were all chit-chatting and reminiscing the day's event. He asked, "Hey, where's Rosh?"

I pointed to far end of the floor, "Roshan's over there."

"Not him", he absent-mindlessly dismissed it.

"Oh! Roshini??", I furrowed my eyebrows and turned right to point to her, at the bay on the other side of the aisle.

"Are you doing this on purpose, Raghav?", he deadpanned, cocking his head to the left.

Ruhi giggled at Bala's slightly irritated expression and turned to me, "You recently shifted to this block, right? He's talking about Rohit and Sasha. Bala, they left sometime back."

On hearing that he walked away. Now I have a name for that stupid face... Rohit.

"Why did Bala ask for Rosh then?", I asked in confusion.

"Because that's what they call themselves", Ruhi said as matter-of-fact with a slight shrug.

"Why?", my high pitched mono syllable, sounded weird to me, but I couldn't be bothered about it right now.

"They are together -". She abruptly got from her chair, "Crap! We got an abend call on our production support mobile". She hurriedly slipped back into her heels, "Today only it had to happen. Always wrong timing! Can't let a person enjoy a fun event. Urgh!... Bye Raghav!".

She left me with so many unanswered questions in my mind.

First Sash and now Rosh?

They are together means together-together like girlfriend and boyfriend?

Nah! It can't be.

Rosh?! It's like a combo of their names

Why do they have it? Only Couples do that.

No they can't be.

Is that a love acronym like Saifeena, Virushka?

Isn't that something she should have with me not him!

Wait! What did I just say?

These were the thoughts that kept running in my mind every few minutes, till the end of the day. I couldn't figure out why I was still stuck on it like a broken record, even after two hours.

Vicky was staying with me, he plopped on the bed and dozed off within a second. I, on the other hand, was having a difficult time, tossing around restlessly.

I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars
I follow you through the dark, can't get enough
You're the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain

The next day, I went to the sports court during the evening break, sitting on the side benches, to clear my mind. Sports, my second love, could only rescue me. My traitorous eyes, fell on a quirky girl floating in an over-sized red and yellow stripped jersey teamed with baggy charcoal grey track-pants. Dipping my head lower to frantically run my hands over my hair, She doesn't leave me alone! After few minutes, I was back at watching Sasha play volley ball with a bunch of boys, my traitorous eyes!

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