#4 : The Starry Glances

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Raghav's POV

Hey, go, uh
Bring me down, can't nothin'
Bring me down
My level's too high to bring me down
Can't nothin' bring me down
I said

Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you, eh eh eh
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

          The next day, for the first time in forever, I had gone to office with a smile on my face and no morning blues. I didn't know what was the reason neither did my mind or heart try to find it out. In fact, I myself was unaware of the constant smile stuck on my face; only when my colleagues started pulling my leg to spill out the beans, I realized that I had suddenly turned into a happy-go-lucky guy. No, No, no! Don't you guys get the wrong idea, it was just the effect of a good night's sleep.

        It was a rather busy day, with meetings after meetings; somehow we had managed to squeeze time for a bite around lunch time. That's the reason my mind hadn't gone wandering around to Sasha and our little date. We, a group of four, who had just met and interacted in the roller coaster meetings from the morning; slumped down with our coffee mugs at the coffee zone.

          The sip of coffee and its strong aroma triggered back yesterday's visuals into my mind. I was re-living those memories with each sip. Mid-way, I tried to pull myself together from my day dreams, "Raghav, my boy, nothing's gonna happen. It was just a one-time lucky stroke, who knows whether you will meet her again here in this office with 5,000+ employees. So boss, Come down to the earth and don't fly around."

          Exactly when I reached to the point when she had giggled for the first time; the same spunky giggle came from across the room. My eyes shifted focus towards the giggle and saw the familiar pixie hair, glowing with the sunset beams passing through it from the translucent window. It made up for a perfect  sunkissed Instagram photo. The vibrancy of her smile and her positive aura was spreading across the whole room. It felt like a cool refreshing wave lapping towards me and just hit my face instead of my feet. There was our #First Glance.

           I had raised my mug for another sip, and looked at her through the circular rim of the coffee mug. I was mesmerized by the twinkle in her eye and how her big round eyes had shrunk into cute little half closed eyes, while she laughed her heart out. My constant glare towards her must have made her conscious as she looked towards me. Our eyes met for a fraction of a second and I knew she had seen me.

          Like a guilty ridden person caught red handed, I instantly moved my head away from her gaze. I was so fidgety that I was looking at the ceiling as if it was some kind of masterpiece. Now I couldn't resist and was curious to know if she had spotted me and was still looking at me. So, I turned towards her, only to meet her big black eyes again. My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, I had to dip my head down to hide it. I had to act quickly and quit being such a sissy. Instantly I looked up to see her giggle at me, with her hand covering her mouth. It would have been game over for me, if I hadn't raised my coffee mug to her with a slight nod and a decent smile. She saw my gesture and immediately acknowledged it by lifting her and did air-cheers-up with a laugh.

         The next morning, I reached office to greet my colleagues "Good Noon". As I was late; I was taking long brisk strides, holding on to my college sling bag worn across my chest, to reach my desk. Slightly ashamed of coming to office at this odd time, I was looking down at the floor and walking. My phone started vibrating in my pant pocket and saw Vikcy's name flashing on the screen.

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