Koushi's little sister

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You were approaching the school gate to walk home since you lived close enough to. You suddenly felt your phone buzz in your pocket.You had it on silent mode because you were in school.You quickly fished it out of you pocket and answered.

"Hello?" You said already knowing who it was.

"Hello darling." Said your mother. She was one of the most kind and beautiful people you had ever met in your life.

"Did you need me to get something from the store for you?" You asked wondering why she had called you.it was rare since you knew that she knew you were barely getting out of school at this hour.

"No I was only calling to say that me and your father were called in to work for some sort of emergency and we won't be home for a while."

"Oh." Was all you said.This had never happened before.

"Do you have keys?" She asked in a somewhat worried tone of voice.

"No..." You remembered giving your keys to Koushi this morning.Koushi was your older brother who played on the school's volleyball team.You had given him your keys thinking your mother would be able to open the door for you once you arrived home.

You were wrong.

And Koushi was busy at practice today.

"Did you give them to you brother?" She asked probably already knowing the answer.


"Do you think you could wait for him? Or you could just ask for the keys and leave if you want." She suggested.

"No, I think I'll just wait for him. I can just watch him practice, if I'm allowed to." You had never met you brothers team. You had watched them play at games but you had never actually talked to them and you didn't know if koushi talked about you. You thought this was perfect timing to interfere in his life.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine mom." You hung up after you both said your goodbyes and you started heading to the gym we're your big brother should be practicing right now.

Once you arrived you flung the door open as fast and as loud as possible. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to you. You quickly found your brother and yelled "Kou-Chan~" Kou-Chan was the nickname you had given him. You ran to him and hugged him.

He looked a bit surprised but hugged you back.

"What are you doing here f/n?" He asked still holding on to you.

"Mom and dad got called into work for some reason, and I gave you my keys this morning so I had to come here." You answered.

"Oh..." he answered. You could feel his teammates starting at the both of you.

"Woah Suga who's this pretty girl!?" Yelled some guy from across the gym. Suga let go of you and you could see the kid who had just asked the question. He had almost no hair and looked like a delinquent.

"That's the girl from my class idiot!" Said another kid he looked like the shortest guy there and you immediately recognized him when you saw his hair.

"Oh Nishinoya I didn't know you played with my brother. Why didn't you tell me?" You asked

"Huh? Oh. I didn't know he was your brother." He said looking dumbfounded.

You turned to face your brother and glared at him. He noticed you and just laughed nervously.

You started looking around and noticed there weren't that many people there. Your brother noticed your confusion and told you that there were two people who are late and began introducing you to the people who were there.

You recognized some of them from the games you watched.

'Must be the ginger and the angry kid who are late' you thought as your brother introduced you to a cute green haired boy with freckles.

"Hello I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi" He said.

"Sugawara f/n)" You said smiling at him and shaking his hand. You noticed the annoyed expression on the face of the boy who stood next to him as he glared at you.

"Are you like his over protective boyfriend or something?" You said pointing at Tsukishima. Yamaguchi's face turned red and the tall French fry they call Tsukishima Kei just looked away quickly.

You noticed how they both reacted and decided you wanted to be friends with yamaguchi.

You were having a conversation with him after gaining permission from the coach to stay. He was also practicing but he was taking a small break right now you had engaged in a conversation with him about everything and anything that came to mind.

Soon the door flung open once more revealing the orange haired boy and the raven haired one.The ginger fell flat on his face after the angry looking guy pushed him.

They apologized for being late and then one of them came up to you.

"Who are you!?" He yelled at your face excitedly like if you weren't standing right in front of him.

"Uhm...I'm sugawara f/n but call me f/n." You answered

"Woah your Suga-Senpai's sister!?" He yelled again.

"Yeah he's awesome right!?" You responded this time with the same energy.

"And you two are the guys with the super cool quick attack!" You said excitedly remembering the games you've watched.

"Your like "guah" and "swish" and "bam" and "woahhh!!!" You said as you both started jumping up and down.

Hey! I didn't know how to end this chapter so just pretend it had a good ending pls thank you 😊 and thank you for reading 🤭

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