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It was the day that you and Tendou got your friends Kou and Shirabu together. You were really excited for today you noticed that class seemed longer than usual. The bell rang for lunch so you took Kou with you to find Tendou who told you he would be in the cafeteria with the team.

When you got to the cafeteria you spotted Tendou right away and he saw you too. He waved at you and motioned for you to come over and that's what you did.

He introduced you to the people you didn't know which was only Semi. While he also got Shirabu to have a conversation with Kou. It was going well as you could tell. You also saw them laughing a lot 'I don't remember the last time I saw Shirabu laugh' you thought.

After school you went home and got ready to go with Tendou. After a while you got a text from Tendou saying he was outside your house. You went downstairs and let your dad know we're you were going.

Both you and Tendou went to pick up Kou. When you got her you let her know you had also invited Shirabu. She began freaking out and you did everything to calm her down. By the time you got to Shirabu's house she was calm enough.

"Shirabu! Hurry! Your so slow!!" You complain watching him slowly walk out of his house. He just rolled his eyes in response

You got to the bridge not long after and you noticed there were flowers growing from the side and they were beautiful. Tendou noticed your eyes shine as you looked at them. They we're red Hibiscus flowers and they were gorgeous. They also reminded you of Tendou's pretty red eyes so you looked up at him only to see him also looking at the beautiful flowers with a small smile on his face.

After a while of talking and hanging out Tendou gave you 'the look' you knew it was time. You tried to climb on the railing but you noticed you were too short and began to panic. You worried you would ruin the plan so you looked at Tendou. He chuckled a bit before going over and putting both his hand on your hips making you blush and sat you on the railing.

After a while of talking Kou was also sitting on the railing right next to you. 'Perfect' you thought giving Tendou a mischievous smile then turning to Kou who was having a conversation with Shirabu.

"Kou!" You yelled poking her. She only giggled in response. You were well aware that Kou was extremely ticklish and the slightest touch could make her burst out laughing.

You poked her once more and she almost fell backwards.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill me!?" She yelled after almost falling. 'So close!!' You thought squinting your eyes at Shirabu.

You poked her twice in a row this time she completely fell over and yelled as she fell into the water. Shirabu's eyes widened "Shirabu help her quickly!!" You yelled now in real panic as you remembered Kou could not swim. Shirabu grabbed onto the railing and jumped off to save Kou.

You got off and looked at the small shallow river trying to find them. You were relieved when you saw Kou being held by Shirabu. She was completely fine. You felt horrible for forgetting she couldn't swim. If the river wasn't shallow enough she could have died.

You saw both of them begin to play in the water and you smiled in relief. You then felt a hand on yours. You turned around to see Tendou smiling at you. "Wanna join them?" He said looking at you.

"W-what?" You stuttered out. Before you could give him a proper answer he had already pulled you back on the railing.

"Come on I'll hold on to you we just gotta jump! Okay?" He said excitedly looking at you and you smiled back at him.

"Alright then" you answered quickly. "On three!" He yelled.

"One..." he began

"Two..." you continued as he wrapped his arms around your waist tighter.

"Three!!" He yelled and jumped off with you in his arms. Two seconds later you hit the cold water and not long after that you were pulled back up by the pair of arms that were still holding on to you.

As soon as you we're out of the water you gasped for air and saw Tendou watching at something behind you. You looked around and saw Shirabu smiling as he watched Kou happily play in the water like little kid.

"Kou! You should get out before you catch a cold!" You heard Shirabu call out.

"You too!" She responded looking back.

"We all should!" Yelled Tendou letting go of you.

You all got out of the river and tried to warm up. You looked up at Tendou and noticed his hair was down and it looked adorable. He looked down at you and noticed you clothes was sticking to your body and he blushed as he went back to the bridge to get his coat and put it on you.

You all walked back home after and decided to go get ice cream next weekend. You got a cold the next day and couldn't go back to school but when Tendou told you that Shirabu and Kou actually began talking to each other without him you knew it was worth it.

No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now