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Tendou's POV


"Coming!" I yelled back to my mother and made my way out of my room and over to her.

"I'm going out so I asked f/n to come over and help babysit Rin, because I know you can't handle it on your own." She said pointing at my little sister.

"Whaaaa!? I can handle taking care of my own sister!" I said tilting my head and looking at her confused.

"No you can't." She finished and the doorbell rang. My mother walked over to the door and opened it. "Ah, f/n thank you for coming." She said as f/n waved back.

"F/n!!!" Rin yelled as she jumped up and hugged the girl. "Hi Rin!" She responded hugging my sister back.

Your POV

Satori's mom gave me a list of the things Rin would be doing and then she left.

"So where taking care of a five year old together? This is gonna be fun!" He said and poked my arm.

"It could be." I said looking down at the list and began to read it. Rin was sitting on the couch playing with one of her dolls. "Looks like we're gonna have to make lunch Satori." I said looking back up at him. "Yay! Now I can show you my amazing cooking skills f/n!!" He said excitedly running to the kitchen.

(So this isn't important but...I'm eating a cinnamon Pop Tart while writing this and it's GOOD. Just saying...)

I walked into the kitchen with Rin holding my hand. "Satori?" I said as I watched him take out some ingredients from the fridge. He hummed in response. "Can we cook together?" I asked and he looked back at me. He giggled a bit and that made my heart skip a beat. "Of course, but only if you really want to." He said giving me big smile. I gave Rin some toys to play with on the table while me and Satori cook.

"Here, put this on." He said holding out a light pink apron to me with one hand, and a gray one in his other hand. I assumed that the gray one was for him so I took the pink one and put it on over my shirt.

We were making Tamoagoyakai. I was mixing some ingredients when I felt some hands around my waist. "Ne, f/n-Chan~ were like a married couple!" Satori laughed as he put his head on my shoulder and hugged me from behind. "Y-your such a dork sometimes Satori." I said as I grabbed one of his hands and removed it from my waist so he let go of me with his other one too and took his head off my shoulder. I kept mixing and following the steps without looking at him to hide my dark blush.

"Aw! F/n-Chan! Can we take a picture together!?" He said after we were all done and we're about to eat "Sure." I said as I took my apron off. "Yay!" He excitedly pulled me and Rin next to him and told me to carry her so I did. He stood next to me and put one and on my waist again with his other hand holding his phone just above our heads. "Smile!!" He said as he clicked the button and took the picture. "Hm...we do kinda look like a family..." I mumbled looking over his shoulder at the picture he took on his phone.

We ate our food and then I looked at the next thing on the list. "Rin do you wanna go to the park?!" I asked looking up from the list. She nodded excitedly in response. "Yeah! You can go on the slide with me!!" She said as she ran to her room to get her shoes. She came back and we began heading out. I held one of her hands and Satori held the other.

When we got there Rin ran to a sand box and began to play in it while me and Satori sat on a bench and watched.

"I'm graduating soon f/n." He said but he didn't look at me, he just watched Rin play. "Yeah, I know. What about it?" I asked also not looking at him. "I'm going to college f/n." He stated with a straight face. Tendou with a straight face is kinda rare. "O-oh." I said realizing that he would be going away. "I'll be gone for three years." He looked at you with a hint of sadness in his eyes. Now that was rare.

Rin ran up to me before me and Satori could finish our conversation. "F/n! Come to the slide with me" she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the slide and Satori followed behind us. We were at the top of the slide. She was sitting in between my legs with her back to me. She giggled cutely as we slid down quickly picked her up and threw her up in the air a few times before stopping.

We got back to Satori's house and not long after his mother arrived while we were watching a movie. I stayed over because Rin wanted me to but she was the first to fall asleep.

"So, the college your going it far?" I asked. We were laying on the bed in the same position as last time. "Not that far. But I'm not really gonna visit much." He said plainly. "Are you going to college?" He asked lifting his head from the pillow and looked at you. There was a small silence before you answered. "No." You answered.


The next morning Satori's mom thanked you for taking care of Rin and then you went home.


Hey! So I'm currently working on a Haikyuu book but it's a surprise! You'll have to wait until it's out to find out 😁

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