Marry me!

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"Babe?!" Satori yelled from the living room.

"You ready?!" He asked.

"Yeah!" F/n responded excitedly. The both of them are headed to go see a game. It was Ushiwaka's game! He had invited both of them to go watch it. Ushiwaka is on the official Japanese volleyball team!

"Hurry then!" He nagged. "Yeah,yeah." She said sounding a bit annoyed.

She walked out of the room and headed towards her boyfriend. "Let's go." She said taking a hold of his hand and leading him out.


When they got there they took front row seats that Wakatoshi had saved just for them.

Satori and F/n sat there waiting for the game to begin. They had a random argument about who the best character from HxH was.

"It's killua!!" F/n argued.

"Noooo!! It's Hisoka!" Satori responded. His response earned a gag from F/n and Satori giggled.

"Oooohhh!! It's starting Satori!!" F/n said excitedly. He put his hands on hers and she intertwined their fingers without realizing it.

They were introducing the teams and the members.

"Wakatoshi Ushiwaka! Wing spiker!" They introduced Wakatoshi and many fans screamed. There were two voices though...they were the loudest.


"DADDY- I mean...USHIWAKA!!!" Another girl yelled earning a soft smile from Wakatoshi. That was his fiancé! F/n giggled and held on tighter to Satori's hand.


The game ended and Wakatoshi's team won flawlessly taking every set.

After the game both F/n and Satori met up with the amazing player.

"Wakatoshi-Kun!! Heya!!" Satori waved excitedly as they approached him. Wakatoshi waved back with a blank expression just like always.

Once they reached him they exchanged greetings. Satori and Wakatoshi began having their own conversation leaving F/n out. She pouted and began scrolling through her phone. After a while Wakatoshi's fiancé arrived and included herself in the conversation they were having. F/n ignored everything they were saying, until she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around and gasped at who she saw in front of her.

The two boys who were standing in front of her also gasped when F/n turned around. 'Wait...? They were on the team too!!?? I didn't realize! I was busy paying attention to Wakatoshi-Kun!' She thought.

"H-Hinata??" She said looking down at the slight shorter boy. He began jumping up and down. "F/n-Chan!!!" He said excitedly.

"And that's Kageyama???" She wondered out loud as she examined the boy in front of her.

"Yeah,yeah!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Did you see us play F/n?? Wakatoshi-Kun was so cool too!" He said still jumping up and down.

"Yeah!!" She responded.

"He was like "WHAM" and-and when he spiked and it hit the floor it was like-"

"BAM" and "SWOOSH" F/n finished for him.

"It was so awesome!!!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

"I missed you guys!" She smiled at them.

"We missed you too F/n-Chan." Kageyama said. F/n hugged the raven haired boy and hummed. He hugged her back and smiled. She then let go of him and hugged Hinata. He immediately hugged back and almost squeezed her to death.

They also began having their own conversation not noticing Satori, Wakatoshi and his fiancé staring at the three of them.

"Ehhh...F/n?" Satori tapped her shoulder and she turned around.

"Yeah?" She asked smiling brightly.

"We should probably go now." He chuckled seeing how excited she was to see the two boys.

"Awwwww!!!" Hinata and F/n whined.

The two boys exchanged numbers with the h/c girl before saying their goodbyes and parting ways.

"That was fun" F/n said as they were both on there way back home. Satori chuckled and nodded.


"Sooo...what do we do now?" F/n asked once they were home.

"We can watch some Demon Slayer In the Anime room." He responded. That's exactly what they did.

After a few episodes in and they were both passed out on the floor.


The next day Satori woke up and didn't see F/n anywhere. He stood up and opened the door. Once he opened the door he was hit with loud anime OP's blasting. He walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. Once he entered the kitchen he saw you standing there with his shirt on, cooking and singing along to the music.

He sat down on the table without you noticing and just sat there watching you.

Suddenly he remembered what he was gonna do yesterday but he totally forgot! He was gonna propose to you after Wakatoshi's win! He facepalmed and groaned quietly so you wouldn't hear. He still had the box in the pocket of the hoodie he has on.

He then got the idea to do it now. What's a better timing?? He thought. She's wearing my clothes and being cute...He blushed.

Suddenly he stood up and walked over to her. He hugged her from behind putting his hands on her waist and his head on her shoulder. Just like he did that time they were babysitting Rin.

She jumped a bit in surprise. "S-Satori?" She stuttered. He let out a muffled hum. "Is everything okay?" She asked and he nodded.

He let go of her waist and put them on her shoulders taking his head off. He turned we around and smashed his lips into hers. She gasped into the kiss but then began to kiss back.

He let go of her and looked at her in the eyes. He smiled cutely before opening his mouth to say something.

"F/n...I love you, more than anything in this world. I wanna be with you for ever. I'll stay by your side even when we're ghosts." He began to kneel down on one knee and put one hand in his pocket and the other held onto f/n's.

"That's why, I gotta ask..." He took a small box out of his pocket and still held onto F/n's hand.

"F/n L/n...Will you marry me?"


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