Spider Man

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It had been a few days since Saku had left. Me and Satori almost completely forgot what we we're about to do before Saku has RUDELY interrupted.

Koushi was coming home today and mom asked me and dad to pick him up so I brought Satori, Bokuto, Tori and Kou along. I also had a reason to bring Bokuto, he said that his friend "Akaashi" was gonna meet him there at the same place we were picking my brother up from.

Time skip bcuz I can >>>

My brother walked out of the subway and I ran to him just like I did with Satori.

"Koushi!!!" I screamed and hugged him.

"F/n!!!" He hugged me back.

"Welcome home Koushi." My dad said from behind me. They began having a conversation and in that time me and my friends were waiting for the Akaashi guy.

"AKAASHIIIII!!" Bokuto yelled when we saw a really pretty looking guy just like my big brother.

"Bokuto-San." Was the only thing he said as he walked towards us slowly with almost no expression on his face.

Time skip again bcuz idk what to write...;-;>>>

We took Koushi home to mom at Miyagi. Satori came along because he said he wanted to spend time with you. Tori stayed back and visited his parents since they lived near by and Bokuto went to spend time with Akaashi.

Me and Satori were in my old living room at my moms house. My mother,father and brother were in the kitchen with the door open so they could see into the living room and to watch over Satori and I.

"I wanna see your old room f/n!! Can we go see it??" Satori asked.

"Sure, follow me." I stood up and he followed me.

I took him to my old room where there was still a bed but that was the only thing in there.

"Empty." I mumbled as I walked in and sat down on the bed.

"Yep." He responded sitting right next to me.

We sat there in silence for a while.

"Hey f/n?" He began.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I wanna try something..." he said.

"Like what?" I asked.

He didn't respond. He only stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me down to the floor and sat me down facing the bed. He then stood up and laid on the bed. He then dangled his head from it and his face was now right in front of mine. I blushed deeply. His eyes looked down into mine.

"Spidey kiss." Was all he said before leaning in until our lips were only half an inch away.

"You are such a dork." I laughed.

"Can I?" He asked.

"Do you even have to ask?" I said.

That was all it took for him to slam his lips into mine. The kiss was soft and slow but then I felt him get impatient so I broke apart and he looked at me confused. He sat up and tilted his head. "Is everything okay f/n?" He asked. I sat on the bed beside him and grabbed his hand in mine. Our fingers where now intertwined with one another and we both sat there smiling like idiots.

"I really like you f/n." He began.

"I'm not sure if it's love yet but, I wanna be with you and I can't stand being so far away from you. I just want to hold you and tell you how much I care." He was being serious now. I had never seen him so serious.

"Me too. I don't want you to be far but I know you have to so you can have a good job someday. I want to be with you too. All the time. I don't want to have to go a day without hearing your voice and your laughter." I smiled at him.

We sat there for another while and just talked before my mother called us to to the kitchen so we could eat.

"So,f/n." My brother began.

"Me and the other guys are gonna meet up with our old team at karasuno. Wanna come?" He asked.

I looked at Satori and he nodded. "Sure!" I answered.

Later we walked into a cafe. There was a table were I saw the whole volleyball ball team. They all turned around at the same time after hearing the familiar chime that was triggered by the door opening.

"SUGAWARA SENPAIS!!" Nishinoya yelled referring to both Koushi and I.

"Yuu!!" I yelled back excitedly.

"Ah,f/n!!" Yamaguchi exclaimed.

"YAMSS!!!" I hugged him tightly.

"So are you and Tsukki a thing yet?" I asked still hugging him but looked up to face him.

(A/n: I'm really sorry if you don't like this ship...BUT ITS MY FAVORITE HAIKYUU SHIP SOOO. Yeah sorry but your gonna have to deal with it 😅)

"Actually..." he said but was cut off by Tsukishima's hand on his shoulder and I took that as a sign to let go, so I did.

"We are." Tsukki said calmly while Tadashi's blush deepened.

"Aw!! Finally!! But I'm kinda sad I wasn't here to celebrate when you began dating..." I frowned. Yamaguchi reassured me that it was fine.

"What about you?" Tsukki asked and I just shot him a confused look.

"Aren't you and that guy together?" He pointed at Satori. His question peaked the interest of the entire volleyball team who were now starting at me and Satori waiting for an answer. Koushi kinds glared at the both of us.

"Uhhh..." I didn't know how to answer. Are we dating? I thought. We only kissed...he never really asked me to go out with him. My thoughts continued to flow.

"Not yet." Satori answered for me.

"But soon." He finished.

"Pfffft! Yeah, okay spider man." I laughed but blushed because of my reference to the events from earlier in my room. He blushed a bit too and looked away. Everyone else just looked at us confused.

I greeted everyone and we had a great time catching up on things.


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