Rin Tendou

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You were sitting right next to your good friend Tendou as you both watched the two love birds in front of you doing 'couple stuff.'It was gross. You felt like dying.
"I wanna gouge my eyes out..." You muttered taking a bite out of the cookie Tendou had just picked up from the box. "Oh f/n~" Said Kou with a bubbly tone making you cringe.

You knew Tendou felt as miserable as you did in this moment but tried to look happy for his friend. "You know f/n, we kinda did this to ourselves." He said taking a bite out of the cookie you were now holding. "He's not wrong" said Shirabu as he kissed Kou's hand. "I didn't know Shirabu could do stuff like that." You said sticking your tongue out at the both of them.

"Don't you think you moved kinda quickly?" You said. They turned to you giving you confused looks. "I mean you've barely been dating for two weeks" you said.

"Two weeks" Repeated Tendou squinting at them.

"And your already hugging!" You said strongly.

"And kissing" Added Tendou sticking his tongue out at them mocking your actions from earlier.

"And holding hands!" You said ignoring the fact Tendou was mocking you.

"Yeah and your probably FUCKING behind our backs too!!" Tendou yelled pointing at them.

There was silence.

You all stared at Tendou who was still pointing at them.

After a few seconds you turned to Kou and Shirabu.

They were completely red.

'Why aren't they saying anything?' You thought.

'Usually Kou would be denying it...'

Then it hit you.

You screeched grabbing the now empty cookie box from where it sat and threw it at them

"YOUR HORRIBLE!!" You yelled obviously joking. You were shocked tho.

"It's okay f/n...I can tell we are not important enough for them to tell us." Said Tendou dramatically.

"I've been replaced...by a guy who looks like he cut his own hair with his eyes closed." You adde equally as dramatic letting yourself fall back knowing Tendou would catch you. He glared at Kou and shook his head squinting his eyes unapproved as he held you.

"Y-your so dramatic f/n!" Said Kou looking away.
"I'm an otaku! I'm allowed to be dramatic!" You huffed back getting out of Tendou's arms.

"Let's go f/n. They can keep their secrets." Tendou said still acting and began walking away with you right next to him. "Wanna go watch Blue Exorcist at my place?" He asked once you were both far away enough that Kou and Shirabu couldn't hear you.

"I've never been to your house..." You said looking up at his beautiful red eyes. "That wasn't the question f/n" He said looking down at you with a smile.

"Are you sure your pa-"

"My parents won't mind" He said cutting you off. You looked at him unconvinced.

"We have leftover strawberry cake and cherries in th-"

"Lead the way!" You said hearing the words "strawberry cake" and "cherries". Tendou chuckled a bit and lead the way as you had ordered him to.

You had actually never seen Tendou's house. Even though you knew he lived close you had never actually seen his house.

When you got there you looked at the front yard and noticed the flowers growing near the entrance of the house. They were Hibiscus flowers the same type of flowers you saw at the bridge that one time. You smiled remembering how Tendou encouraged you to jump in the shallow river with him.

No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now