No matter what

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Your parents had need divorced since you were five years old. They were still "friends" trying to make us a good divorced family life. They seemed like good "friends" they even still worked together. Your dad lived near Shiratorizawa. You lived with your mother and she always said that if she ever got called to work while we were at school to go straight to dads house if I didn't have keys.

The day I first met The volleyball team it was the first time mom had been called to work late. Not only that but your dad too and you didn't have keys.

Koushi and you tried to avoid talking about your parents being separated but when you did it never ended well.

To you Koushi was the most supportive and loving brother. He always took care of you when mom couldn't. He was always there for you no matter what.

Not long after training camp you and Koushi we're watching a movie in the living room when your mother called you both to the kitchen saying she wanted to talk to you.You both ran to the kitchen.

"Yes mom?" Both Koushi and you said at the same time.

"I have some bad news kids..."

You and Koushi looked at each other.

"What's wrong?" Said Koushi.

"You both know I've been called into work a lot recently and so has your dad right?"


"Well we haven't actually been called to work"


"Me and your dad have been talking about something recently and you are both going to be affected by it." She said looking at us like if she really didn't want to tell us.

"Okay...what is it?" You said tilting your head in confusion.

"Well I haven't been getting payed enough lately and it's gonna stay that way...I realized I can't take care of both of you anymore..."

"W-what do you mean?" You asked hoping it wasn't what you thought it was.

"One if you is gonna have to go live with dad... I would love to keep both of you because I love you guys so much"

You could feel tears in the corner of your eyes

"Which one of us?" Said Koushi with his head down.

"I want you guys to choose."

You instantly knew it had to be you the one to go. You knew because you understood how much Koushi's team meant to him and you didn't want him to have to go to a different school and join a different team. You had to do this for him.

"I-" he began

"I'll go mom." You said cutting him off.

"No f/n" said Koushi. God he looked so sad. You couldn't see him like this, it hurt too much.

"Why not?" You said knowing he didn't have a good reason.


"I don't have any friends and no one could miss me but the volleyball team and I could always go with you to your team hangout sessions or whatever. And this is the last year you have with them Koushi. Let me do this." You said cutting him off again.


"So f/n...?" Asked your mother.

"Yeah..." he answered.

"Okay me and your dad will get everything set with school. You can start packing on Friday." She said and left the room.

Koushi hugged you.

"Thank you f/n..." He said not wanting I let go of you.

"Hey it's're my big brother and I gotta help you when you need it right? I'll be right here. No matter what..." you said as you both began to cry as if you would never see each other again.

You talked to Takeda Sensei and coach Ukai about what was happening. On your last day of being the tutor of the Karasuno Volleyball team they threw a goodbye party for you instead of practice.They even helped you move your things to your dads car before leaving.

Koushi hugged you before you got in the car

"I'll be right here okay?" He began.

"Okay..." you answered.

"No matter what."He finished as he handed you a bag of cherry flavored sweets.

You smiled on you way to your new home.

"No matter what..." you thought looking at the bag.

This chapter made me cry 😢 because I used my own life as an example 😂


Thank you for reading 😊

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