The Guess Monster

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It was the day before you and the Karasuno boy's volleyball team would be going to Shiratorizawa.

That night you could tell Koushi was nervous as frick.

"Koushi?" You looked at him concerned.

"Uh...yeah?" He said looking at you. He was sweating and looked uncomfortable.

"It's gonna be okay!" You told him with a smile on your face. He just looked at you.

"Don't worry Koushi...I'll be right here if you want to talk about it okay?" You said making sure he knew he could talk to you about anything.

"I know..." He did know. He always knew.

At Shiratorizawa

You and Yachi were both watching from above while Kyoko was sitting on the bleachers with coach Ukai and Takeda Sensei.

You watch the Karasuno boys stand there. They looked as if they were gonna puke especially Hinata.

Koushi suddenly looked up at you as if you were gonna cure him. You smiled and gave him a thumbs up and he did the same. He looked a bit better now.

That's when the Shiratorizawa boys walked in.

They were TALL. Very tall

There was a very calm looking dude with short brown hair and the number one on his volleyball shirt.

Another kid who looked like a first year had black hair and weird looking bangs. He was number eight.

Then there was this tall guy with red hair and he looked-

He suddenly looked and smiled at you before you could finish your thought.



You suddenly shook your head violently trying to deny the fact you just thought that.

He was number 5 in the team.

The game was about to begin and you hadn't even noticed yet.

Yachi noticed you lost in thought and shook you.

"Hey! The game is starting pay attention!" She yelled getting your attention.

"Huh? Oh! Right!" You said finally noticing what was going on.

Karasuno won

You were so happy for your brother you totally forgot about the red head that had caught your attention earlier.

You ran down to hug your brother and you were both crying out of joy.

When you we're about to leave you saw him again.

He looked a bit down himself but tried cheering up the first years. You found that adorable.

"Hey, koushi?" You said still looking at the red head

"Yeah?" He said turning to you.

"Who's that?" You said pointing at the tall boy that was standing across the parking lot from you.

"Oh that's Tendou Satori. Also known as the Guess Monster." He said looking at you a bit confused.

"Tendou...Guess monster..." you muttered underneath your breath.

A few days later Tsukishima was invited to a training camp at Shiratorizawa. He had left a day later and Hinata had not arrived to practice yet.

Later Takeda Sensei had told you he had snuck in to training camp and coach Washijou had asked to send you over to make sure he behaves.

You had been going to training camp with Hinata for two in a half days now. Today they were gonna train with the actual Shiratorizawa team. That means you had to see him again.

A few minutes later they had arrived and he greeted everyone but you. He started walking over to you.

'God why is my heart beating so fast...' you thought to yourself as he approached you.

"Hello girl I'm Tendou Satori! And you are?" He said extending an arm for you to shake.

"Uhm...I'm...S-Sugawara...f/n..." you said shaking his hand. He smiled at you noticing how you stuttered.

You quickly snatched your hand back realizing that you stuttered. He tilted his head and looked at you in confusion.

"Are you alright f/n?" He said looking at you with his bright red eyes.

"I-I'm fine thank you..." you said not even looking at him.

When you got home you ran to your room and shut the door ignoring Koushi as you heard him ask how it went.

No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now