Together {Ending :p}

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This might be long 😅


It was the day of the wedding and F/n was a nervous wreck.

Everyone she ever cared about was gonna be there, but that's not what made her nervous. She kept being insecure and ranting to Kou about how nervous she was while she tried to help her get prepared for her big day.

"What if he doesn't like my dress?" She panicked.
"What if he realizes he doesn't love me like he thought and says no?" She continued.
"What if I get stood up?" She began panting because of how fast she was talking.
"He's gonna love it! He loves you F/n! He would never do that to you!" Kou and Wakatoshi's wife tried to calm her down as they finished the last of the makeup on F/n.

𓆉𓆉𓆉 (with Tendou)

He was probably just as- or more nervous that F/n was, but he wouldn't know that. Ushiwaka was helping him calm down since Satori was already ready.

Wakatoshi and his fiancé had gotten married already and of course Satori and F/n had gone to see the wedding...but now it was their turn.

He was basically panicking and wondering the same things that F/n was wondering out loud to Wakatoshi. Ushijima didn't quite know how to handle the situation as well as his wife would have been able to, but nevertheless, he tried his best.


It was finally time and Satori stood at the end of the church waiting for his future wife.

F/n was just arriving and saw her brother waiting for her at the entrance. She stepped out of the car with Kou and headed over to her brother. (Rin begged you be the flower girl sooo yeah 😂)

Kou helped her pick her dress up from behind so F/n wouldn't step on it and fall. F/n held on to Koushi's arm as he lead her inside with Kou and Rin following not so far behind.

Satori jumped at the sound of the door opening and turned his head to see his beautiful girlfriend holding on to her brothers arm slowly walking towards him.

Everyone stood up once F/n entered and turned to watch the two siblings walk towards the groom.

"I can't believe MY younger sister is getting married before me!" Koushi whispered wich made F/n giggle a bit. She saw Hinata and once they made eye contact he smiled brightly and waved excitedly before placing both hands by his mouth and mouthing the words "good luck" to her. Kageyama and the rest of the team were there too and so was Shiratorizawa.

They heard soft sobbing and realized her mother was crying out of joy and so was her father and Satori's parents as well.

"I can't even believe I'm here in the first place!" F/n whispered back to her brother with a huge dumb grin on her face.

"You guys better quiet down or someone might hear!" Kou whispered with a small laugh from behind them and they both nodded.

Right before Koushi let her go he whispered "good luck" just like Hinata had.

She walked up the few steps before finally standing in front of Satori. Both of their hearts were beating fast.

𓆉𓆉𓆉 (sorry I have never really seen a wedding and I'm not quite sure how it works so I'm skipping to the part I kinda know 😂😅)

The pastor asked the final question... "I do" Satori said with one of the brightest and most adorable smiles F/n had ever seen on his face. The pastor turned his head to F/n and opened his mouth to ask the same question but before he could he was cut of.
"I do!!" F/n said excitedly and not letting the pastor finish.

No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now