Nice to meet you.

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It was your first day going to Shiratorizawa today.

As soon as you walked out of your house Tendou passed by. He didn't seem to notice you so you called him.

"Tendou-San!" You yelled catching his attention.

"Oh hello Sugawara-San" He said tilting his head and giving you a smile.

"Call me f/n please" You said not liking the fact that your brother wasn't walking with you.He seemed to notice this because of what he said next.

"Do you miss your brother f/n? He said walking to you.


"WHO ARE YOU!?!" You heard your father yell from the open window near the door.


"Dad...this is Tendou" You said a bit startled

"Hello sir" Said Tendou carelessly.

"What's your business wi-"

"We're going to school now dad! Bye!" You said cutting HIM off and walking away, Tendou following you.

"Oh...bye f/n" You heard him call.

Tendou and you walked together all the way to school. He even helped you find your class. You thanked him before walking into your new class.

You sat at a desk right next to the window on the first row.

*school bell*

The teacher walked in and to your horror she asked you to stand up and introduce yourself.

"Hello my name is Sugawara f/n. I came here from Miyagi Prefecture." You said suddenly realizing you forgot to text your brother this morning.Class was absolutely boring after that and you could not wait till the end of the day.

It was now lunch and you just sat at your desk eating the food out of your bento box. You sat alone but it's okay because you didn't expect to make friends here.You were lost in thought until you felt a light tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see who wanted to bother you now.

"Um hello Sugawara-San my name is Kou Ito" She said almost shyly.

"Uh hi" You said with a slightly annoyed tone as you turned back to your food.

"Oh sorry am I bothering you...?" She said feeling a bit worried that she was bothering you.

"No not at all your fine." You said not wanting to seem rude.

"Oh okay!" She said excitedly as she took the seat that was right next to yours.

"What school did you go to before this one?" She asked curiously.

"Karasuno." You answered and for some reason you were happy someone was talking to you.

"Oh the school that just beat our boys volleyball team!?" She said somehow more excitedly than before.

"Yeah..." You said looking up as your eyes began to shine. At that moment all the memories from being the tutor and basically manager came back.

"Do you like volleyball Sugawara-San?" She asked noticing the shine in your eyes.

"Yeah! I was the team's tutor! They were awesome! My big brother and Daichi-San helped teach me how to play!" You said feeling the excitement grow inside of you.

"Wow you were the tutor? And your brother played on the team?" She asked tilting her head.

"Yeah..." you said finally calming down.

"Do you wanna be friends Sugawara-San? I also love volleyball and I love going to all the games!" She said enthusiastically.

"Sure! To be honest I didn't think I would make any friends here" You said sheepishly. Before she could respond the door swung open and you both turned around to see Tendou standing there.

"Oh hey Tendou" You said kind of waving at him.

"Hello f/n-Chan!" He said with a big smile as he walked to you and your new friend.

"Did you need something?" You said wondering why he was here and why people around you were suddenly whispering.

"I was just wondering if you needed me to walk you back home." He said standing in front of you tilting his head down to look at you.

"Don't you have practice?" You said but you were distracted by his beautiful red hair that you absolutely loved.

"I can just ditch!" He said as if it was obvious.

"Won't coach get mad?" You asked now looking at his also red eyes.

"Nah" He said obvious lying.

"Im not stupid Tendou. Plus I can walk home on my own you know." You said smiling at him.

"Aw are you sure?" He asked sounding disappointed.

"Yeah I'll be fine."

"Alright then. I guess I should go before Semisemi gets worried." He said with a light chuckle as he began to head out.

"Bye" you waved.

By the end of the day you had already known a lot about your new friend Kou.

The both of you walked together to the gate at the end of the day talking about volleyball.

"Do you know Kenjirō Shirabu?" She said looking unusually nervous.

"You mean the guy with the weird haircut on the volleyball team?" You asked knowing exactly who he was.

"Y-yeah..." She was a bit quiet.

"What about him?" You asked curiously.

"I-I just think he's kind of cute..." she said looking away from you.

"Ooooh so you like him?" You said a bit bluntly.

"W-What of course not! Or maybe just a little bit..." She said with a light blush.

"Hmm me and Tendou might have to set you two up." You said with a smirk on your face.

"Yeah okay" she said rolling her eyes playfully.

"Alright I gotta go now, see ya." You said waving at her.

"O-okay! Nice to meet you by the way!"

I know I said I would speed things up a bit... But I mean you had to make a friend at some point.

Sorry lmao😂

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