I Love You

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"F/n L/n...will you marry me?"

"I-I" F/n was at a complete loss of words. This, oh my...she did not expect this. What is she supposed to say? 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑓 𝑖 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔? She thought.

She immediately inhaled and held her breath and nodded rapidly, still holding her breath. He smiled brightly before looking back down at the box in his hand and grabbed the ring.

"I love you F/n Tendou..." He smirked at her before kissing the ring and slipping it onto her middle finger slowly. Her face turned red at the name he had called her. "F/n Tendou..." she thought before smiling at herself. Finally she exhaled after realizing she couldn't breathe.

He stood up and grabbed her waist pulling her towards him to hug her. "I'm really happy..." he said.
She hugged him back and nodded. She was still at a loss for words, so she decided to keep her excitement inside until she would call her friend Kou and let it all out.

She finished cooking and they both ate together. He began talking about the future they would have together. All F/n could do was smile and nod only giving short answers.

"F/n?" He sounded a bit worried.
"Yeah?" She was still a bit nervous not quite knowing what to say.
"Are you sure?" He still sounded worried.
"Sure about what?" She is honestly confused on what he means.
"Are you sure I'm the man you want to spend the rest of your life with?" He asked.
"Of course! I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't want to! Satori...I love you. I waited for you for three years. I wouldn't leave you now after you came back to me after so long. I want to spend the rest of my existence with you. I really do." She answered giving him a reassuring smile.
"Well then, you'll also spend the rest of your life with our kids." He smiled brightly and turned back to the food his new fiancé had cooked for him. She blushed deeply and responded with a shy "yeah..."

Satori said he would be heading out to pick up some groceries for later. As soon as he left F/n ran to get her phone.

Your POV

Once Satori left I immediately called Kou to tell her the news. There was plenty of squealing and excitement. I felt so happy...almost like I was floating.

"You know you are the first person to be invited to the wedding we haven't even planned yet." I told her exactly.

After we calmed down and I hung up on her I immediately added Kageyama and Hinata to a FaceTime call together.

The phone rang a few times before Hinata answered and less than a second passed by before Kageyama did as well. Hinata and I began jumping around and I haven't even told them the news yet!

"So why did you call us F/n?" Kageyama asked.
"Oh, right!" I said sheepishly.
"Did something exciting happen?" Hinata asked.
"Yes!" I responded.
"What is it?" They both asked at the same time.
"Satori proposed to meeeee!!!" I said as I let myself fall down backwards on my bed. Hinata began making inhuman noises and Kageyama just congratulated me.

After we said our goodbyes and hung up, I didn't quite know what to do. I sat on the bed I share with Satori and began day dreaming. "Wow I'm gonna marry the man of my dreams..." I mumbled before burring my red face in a pillow.

When I heard the door open I immediately ran out of the room and saw Satori already heading to the kitchen to put the groceries away with a big dorky smile on his face.

"Satori!" Was the last thing I said before tackling him into a hug and plenty of kisses.

"I love you Satori..." I said once I let go.

"I love you too"

Hello guys!!

So I just wanna say that...the next chapter will most likely be the last.

Also I am very thankful to everyone who read this train wreck 😂😅

I love you all!! 🥺💞💕😔🤚❤️💗

Thank you so much for reading!!

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