Waiting For You

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Your POV

I haven't stopped thinking about Satori. I think I never will. I just want to hug him...I wanna kiss him...and hear his voice...I just wanna love him.

I worked during the day, everyday except the weekends.

Koushi came back home and now has his own house near the cafe I work at. He comes in every afternoon for coffee. We have a small conversation about how our day is going and he heads back to his house and does watever it is he does. I like the fact that even though we are both adults and have our own lives, he still comes by every day to check on me, his little sister.

I pass by his old house a few times during the weeks and talk with his mother or Rin.

One day I was bringing Rin some strawberry cake from the cafe I work at when I saw a car. I didn't recognize it. It was a small baby blue car.

I didn't want to get my hopes up so I just pushed the thought that it might be him away. I got closer and closer to the house and the car that was outside. I was afraid to go in and actually see him. I don't know why I was scared but I was. I think it's because I won't know what to say.

I heard the door open and before I knew it I was running-

I was sprinting back to the cafe. I dropped the cake along the way. (Damn...that was a perfectly good cake 😭 sorry I know I should be serious right now...ok bye...)

My shift wasn't over yet I was only on a break so it wouldn't be weird if I returned.

I shoved the door open and walked in. "Is everything okay F/n?" One of my co-workers asked. I didn't notice but there were tears streaming down my cheeks slowly. "Y-yeah..." I answered and began wiping the tears away.

I went to the back and opened the "employees only" door. I walked in and put on the apron that we were required to wear while at work. It's an ugly brown color but I love it.

I began working again even though my break wasn't over. I was washing dishes when one of my co-workers asked me to take the order of the person who had just entered. I walked over to the counter to take the persons order.

I looked up and gasped loudly I dropped the pencil and a small note book I use to write down orders.

Standing in front of me on the other side of the counter was the most familiar head of red hair I will ever see. I couldn't quite move and I could tell he was also shocked.

Just like before, my legs dragged me to the back and out through the door. Once I was out I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. I began crying.

"S...Sa...To...Ri..." I managed to mumble out in between sobs.

The cafe was mostly empty except for me and my co-workers and a lady that came by every other day.

"F/n..." He hugged me back. I clenched the back of his shirt and continued to sob onto his shoulder.

"W-why did you stop calling m-me Satori?" I asked.

Third person POV

"I k-kinda got robbed and l-lost my phone." He was also crying, wetting your shirt as well as the apron you had on.

"I lost all m-my contacts...I-I missed you s-so much." He hugged you closer to him tighter.

No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now