Regular Rutine

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Satori and I went to Kou and Shirabu's wedding! It was really fun! Kou and I both cried a bit though...but it's okay!!! They were tears of joy!! I was sooo happy for her! I caught the flowers she threw in the air and Satori turned redder than his hair when I smiled brightly back at him after catching the small bouquet.
I was really excited!!!

Satori and I are moving in together now. He showed me the house he was moving to in the first place. It was a beautiful house and it had a big back yard so I could grow a garden!!!

He helped me pack my things and took them to the new house. I would not be working at my old job anymore :( but it's okay!

It took a while to set things up at the new house. There were three rooms, a kitchen, a living room and two bathrooms. We didn't need three rooms so we did what any weebo otaku would do. We made one of them the guest room and the other was the Anime room. The anime room is where we watch anime together when we have time and where we put our action figures and anime merch.

I share a room with Satori. We sleep together everyday. We sleep until morning. I wake up first and go downstairs to make breakfast. After Satori eats his breakfast we both take showers. We have two bathrooms so we can both take a shower at the same time in separate bathrooms. We take a shower separately unless he's in you know...that type of mood.

After we shower we change and do all that stuff you do after taking a shower before we head out. We work together at a near by restaurant. After work we head home and chill. (Oh my goddd it's literally 1:57 in the morning!!! I'm sooo tiered 😫)

"Satoriiii!!" I whine for no apparent reason.

"Yeah?" He says. We were both reading some manga in the living room after we both made dinner together and ate.

"I think...I think my tongue tastes like cherries. Can you come taste it for me?" I say putting the manga down and looking at him. He chuckles before saying "sure f/n"

He put his manga down and put his lips on mine. I felt his tongue lick the bottom of my lip asking for entrance that I allowed almost immediately.

He pulled away after a few seconds and smiled. "Tastes normal to me." He shrugged and went back to reading. "Saaaaattttoooorrrrriiiii" I whined again. He hummed in response. "Can we cuddle instead then?" I grabbed his arm and shook it a bit. He nodded and put the manga on the coffee table.

He pulled me closer and we cuddled for a bit. "I love you f/n" He said as he buried his face deeper into the crook of my neck. "I love you too Satori." I responded as I began to play with his hair. After a while I felt myself get more and more sleepy. I looked at Satori and saw that he was already asleep. I took a mental picture before I began to drift away into sleep as well.


Hey! So this was just what you guys would do on the daily! It's nothing special but, I worked on it all night ( .•́ •̀.)

The next chapter will be a little more exciting (ʋ) ❣️

No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now