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Not long after Satori left for college my brother did as well.

I began my third year at Shiratarizawa two months after my brother left and three months after Satori did.

It was a bit boring without Satori here but, I still have Kou. Sirabau was also here but all he did was take Kou away from me. Semi also left and so did Wakatoshi and all the other third years. Basically all the fun people.

Goshiki began talking to me one day and we became friends even though we aren't in the same grade. He was entertaining enough. Not that he's not fun...but it's not the same. I like hanging out with Goshiki and he's lots of fun. He also has a younger sibling except it's a boy. I like taking care of his little brother, that little guy helped me realize how much I love kids.

One day after school I was just at Satori's house taking care of Rin when I got a call on my phone. I grabbed it and looked at the caller ID. It was Satori. I immediately answered.

"Heyyyy!" I heard his voice from the other side and it made me feel a way I haven't felt in a long time.

"Satori! Hi!!" I smiled at myself.

"Watcha doin?" He asked playfully.

"I'm actually taking care of Rin right now." I giggled at the sound of his voice.

"Ah, okay." He answered.

"What about you? What are you doing?" I asked not wanting the conversation to end.

"I'm hanging out with a few buddies." He said probably smiling, like always.

"You made friends?" I asked.

"Yep. What about you? Meet anyone knew?" He also didn't want the conversation to end.

"Well, I'm friends with Goshiki now. That's it though." I said shyly.

"Ha." Was all I got as a response.

"Tendou? Who are you talking to?!" I heard a voice in the background. It kinda sounded like...a girl.

"Is it a girl?!" I heard someone else ask but it was a guys voice this time.

"Oooh Tendou is talking to another girl!!! Ow! Saku-Chan!!" I heard another male voice say.

"Satori...are those your friends?" I asked. I felt something odd after hearing the girls voice. It was something I've never felt before and I didn't know what it was.

"Uhm...yeah I'll call you back f/n." He said and I suddenly panicked. Before I knew it I opened my mouth to say something.

"Wait! Satori...please don't hang up. I-I wanna hear your voice..." I sounded desperate and I was. I really did want to hear his voice. It was all I wanted now, other than wanting to see him this was still good enough.

There was a bit of silence on the other side and for a second I thought he had hung up and I felt like crying for no apparent reason.

"What did she just say?" One of the guys in the background asked. I began crying and I'm pretty sure he could hear my silent sobs.

"F/n..." That's all he said.

"Seriously, Tendou! Who is she!?" The girl asked.

"And why is she calling you by your first name?" The other guy asked.

"M-maybe you should call me l-later." I couldn't speak without stuttering. I hung up immediately.

Half an hour passed before I heard another ring come from my phone and I picked it up immediately after seeing it was Satori.

"F/n!?" He said as soon as I picked up.

"Satori..." I answered.

"Sorry about that." He chuckled a bit.

"It's alright. Who was she by the way?" I was genuinely curious as to who this "Saku-Chan" girls was.

"Ah, she's one of my friends." He said. I could he was nervous about something but I ignored it.

"So you wanted to hear my voice?" He teased.

"I-I do. I miss you Satori..." I said trying my hardest not to blush even though if I did he wouldn't see me.

"I miss you too F/n." He said cheerfully.

"I'm gonna have a two week winter break." He added.

"Really!?" I asked happily.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go visit." He sounded just as happy as me.

We continued to talk and he said he was bringing his "friends" with him too. I wasn't too happy about that but I wanted to meet them.


It was two days before Satori would arrive that I got a call from my brother. He said he would also be having two weeks off for winter break.

I figured I'd just spend time with both of them.


Events for next chapter: Satori Tendou, his friends, and Sugawara Koushi arrive.

Also I'm so sorry for this chapter 😭

Se ya next chapter byeeeee 😗✌️

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