Mario Cart

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I waited at the subway for Satori's train to arrive. I was REALLY excited!!

The second he stepped out of his train I screamed and ran to him.

"Satori!!" I hugged him tightly.

"F/n!" He said and hugged back.

I kept hugging him. I didn't want to let go of him,

"Ah, so this is that girl you were talking to." I recognized that voice. It was one of the guys I had heard in the background.

I finally let go of him and gave him a peck on the cheek. I didn't realize it before, but he was holding a bouquet of red roses and one that had white Daisies.

"These are for you f/n." He smiled and handed me the bouquet of red roses. "Thanks Satori!" I smile and took the roses.

"These are my friends." He said as he motioned to the three guys behind him. "SEMI!!!" I yelled as soon as I saw the familiar hazel eyes staring back at me. "F/n??" He said as he hugged me. I was surprised that HE was hugging me instead of me hugging him but I still hugged back with the roses still in my hand.

"You didn't tell me we were gonna she f/n..." Semi said looking over at Satori who was scratching the back of his neck shyly.

I let go of Semi and gave him a peck on the cheek. He smiled and gave me one back. I looked up at him and then looked away.

"Semi..." I said shyly.

"Hm?" He said looking at the ground.

"You seem different, are you okay?" I giggled and looked back up at him.

"I'm fine. I'm just not like I used to be. I'm a changed man." He said almost proudly while I tried to hold back my laughter.

"Yeah, okay Semi." I smirked at him playfully.

"So, she's the girl Tendou was talking about?" The only girl said.

"Yeah." Semi and Satori responded at the same time. She gave me a dirty look and I could only assume that she was Saku-Chan.

"And these are our other friends." Semi said again motioning to the other two boys.

"That's Tori." Semi said pointing at a guy with dyed pink hair and dark brown eyes.

"And that's Bokuto." Satori said pointing at a very familiar looking guy. He had spiky hair just like Satori, it was gray and white. His eyes where hazel and almost green.

"Semi?" I whispered looking up at him.

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"Do I know him?" I said loudly and pointing at Bokuto.

"Uhh...I think so. He went to Fukorodani. We played them a few times." He answered.

"Ah." I said looking at his owl like appearance and felt like I had to say something about it.

"You look cool!!!" I said immediately.

"Hoot! I am indeed an amazing being!" He responded.

"But whose that?" I asked Bokuto because he seemed dense enough to tell me when Satori and Semi wouldn't.

"That's Saku-Chan! I don't like her." He answered and whispered the last part to me but loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"She's also Tendou's Ex, and she won't leave him alone! She keeps following us! I don't like that! She creeps me out..." He said.

"I barely met you, but I can tell me and you are gonna be friends!" He said excitedly.

" you guys wanna go play Mario Cart at my place?" Satori asked ignoring the conversation me and Bokuto we're having.

No Cherry no deal~ (Tendou Satori x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now